Whispering Sweet Nothings and Talking Dirty


By nature some people are just more verbal. You know the ones at the coffee shop who just never shut up. It may make you think how verbal they are in bed. Which can be a good thing or in some instances a bad thing if oral rhetoric during love making drives you nuts.

Alas, how can this be? Don’t I, Dr. Kat advocate for more talk versus less between the sheets? To answer my own question…well, yes, mostly. Generally, I am all for more communication. Telling your lover how good something feels, directing him or her where and how to touch, mixing it up a little bit with a well placed “fuck me” does the trick for a lot of people and of course everyone is different.

There are people who over analyze and want to be verbal about it. But even that isn’t such a bad thing if you are a partner that is either the same way or just “gets” that, that is how your partner is. If not, however, there’s nothing like trying to subtly or not so subtly telling your partner to keep their trap shut during sex. A well placed hand over the mouth may or may not be welcome but I digress.