Top 3 Benefits of Sex with a Long-Term Partner

Sixty percent of couples in long-term relationships report having a less-than-ideal sex life. Among the other 40%, many are probably fibbing. Is the union of monogamy and monotony inevitable? Must sex with a long-term partner be dull? I don’t believe it!

In my latest e-book, The Married Sex Solution: A Realistic Guide to Saving Your Sex Life,  I argue that sex with a committed, long-term partner can be better, and much more fulfilling and adventurous, than the sex you had back in the dating years.

Unlikely? Hardly. Sex with loving, long term partners rests on a sturdy, three-legged foundation that is absent during one-night-stand sex.

My three pillars of monogamous sex excellence:

  1. Having sex with someone who truly understands and loves you, despite having seen you at your lowest moments, is a turn-on in itself. The partner is more attractive than a relative stranger, and the sex can be hot.
  2. Sex involves emotional vulnerability. Among long term couples, there is a measure of emotional safety built on years of togetherness.
  3. Experimentation with a trusted partner can be more powerful and rewarding.

Stop blaming the length of your relationship for sexual roadblocks and letdowns. A long-term partner is a help, and not a hindrance, to a healthy, vibrant sex life. Embrace who you have, celebrate them and enjoy all the benefits that come with years of togetherness.