Keeping Concieving Hot

My partner and I are working on our 4th baby. Sex with him is always AMAZING and I just want to keep things interesting while we’re working on it. Its really easy for us to get into a mechanical routine and lose the passion when there is a reason for having sex. Any suggestions?

I totally know how this is. My husband and I just had our first and it was very planned — to the point of my taking my basal body temperature everyday (sexy, I know).I think it’s great that you are thinking ahead and wanting to keep things fun. Here are a few ideas:*Instead of getting overwhelmed by having to do "it" on a schedule, make it a game. See how many times in a week you can sneak sex in.*Get a book or video on sex positions and commit to trying a new one each day you have sex. AdamandEve have a good selection. Use my discount code: DRKAT for 50% of almost any item plus free shipping.*Feeling too mechanical? Crack a joke and relieve some pressure. Laughing about it can help you stay in the mood.*Don’t have time w/other kids, work etc to have long love making sessions in bed? Sneak it in while in the shower or use it to relieve stress right before bed at night.*Be honest. If you really, truly aren’t feeling it, know you can come back to it tomorrow and start fresh. It’s not about taking things personally. Grudges aren’t sexy.Hope this helps!Dr. Kat

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