Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

MaryCruz · 01/10/2023 09:36

CrystalVision · 01/10/2023 09:12

I think I am with you on this. Still early days for me but I started on 7mg. I do feel fuller sooner, I still feel hungry but less tempted. Probably the cost of these things has strengthened my willpower. On the plus side, no side effects and I have been able to continue exercising although it takes slightly more effort. Might have lost a few pounds but my scales aren't great. Might try 14mg

I'm 8 pounds down now
13 13.6

I'm going to try 2 months of 14 after my 7 runs out

KayliDzhener · 01/10/2023 09:39

Well done, I am scared to go to 14mg I've got 12 days if 7 left so need to make my mind up soon.

LanaRay · 02/10/2023 07:49

Morning, so I have 9 tablets including today until the end of my 7mg pack. I’ve already received another month of 7mg and have decided to stay on this rather than move to 14mg. Im still losing, slowly but happy with that as it give me chance to try and exercise etc so I don’t get this dreaded ozempic face or whatever it’s called!! I have been hungrier the last two days but it’s that monthly time and I also historically raid the cupboards (and it’s been very minimal on this!!). Sickness is okay and so feeling fine on this level now. Only weird thing is I have a pink spot on my tongue, has been there for a while and I think it’s growing which is a worry, not sore or anything but think May have to get checked out which is also a worry as I haven’t told anyone I’m on this (so does make me feel guilty when the DH says I’m doing well with my weight loss but that’s another story! 😔)

KayliDzhener · 02/10/2023 08:50

Oh I no I've told noone either. I had a pink spot in the tip of my tongue it was quite sore but it went. Worst thing ATM is hiccups which is not listed as a side effect need ipto Google ozempic face!

CrystalVision · 02/10/2023 10:15

I didn't want to tell, maybe a bit ashamed of my lack of willpower and needing this. But I decided I should in case I had a bad reaction. My partner couldn't understand why I wanted to do it but has been OK with my decision.

CrystalVision · 02/10/2023 10:16

I am really hungry today too. I wonder if its being at work again and habit.

KayliDzhener · 02/10/2023 12:36

I'm enjoying the hunger tbh at least it reminds me to eat!

Llamallamadingdong · 02/10/2023 18:49

Any advice for someone who has just started? I’m 5 days in to the 3mg and feel like absolute death- upset stomach all last night and still can’t get away from the bathroom today. My head is pounding (probably dehydrated) and I feel so nauseous. DH thinks I should just stop taking them but I really need a kick start to get this weight off…

KayliDzhener · 02/10/2023 19:21

All I xN SAY Is read the threads we all went thru it to some extent and our tips are there it does get better

LanaRay · 02/10/2023 20:17

Yes I would definitely say it gets better, on the 3mg though I didn’t really suffer maybe just heartburn, 7mg was a different story to start was not very well and sick! I think eating breakfast lunch and dinner helped with the nausea. I had to just eat toast to start so I could keep it down. Also had to avoid any processed food as found that made me worse. Hope you feel better soon Llamallamadingdong

Yes I don’t think my DH would understand why I’m taking them, he doesn’t realise how hard it was to lose weight in peri menopause! I hadn’t thought about if I had a reaction though, so you are defo right to say something CrystalVision.

KayliDzhener I haven’t had hiccups for a while!! Hope they’ve gone for you!!

IronHeart · 02/10/2023 20:35

Hi everyone, I've been lurking from the beginning and just want to share my experience with people who will understand. Am on lots of the ozempic threads but there's lots of chatter about needles and clicks and that just doesn't apply so I'm glad to see this Rybelsus dedicated thread.

Started 05/03 at 105kg and 8 weeks later today am at 94kg. In old money that's a 24lb loss. I'm so happy.
Have done every diet goingover the years, SW, ww, Cambridge, lighter life, med diet, fiber diet Atkins and they worked for a bit then I piled it all back on and more.

The difference I have found with this is the obsession with food has gone. I'm able to meal plan and shop without the constant turmoil of " can I have that" " should I have that" etc. It's very freeing.

I have had some side effects, am now on 7mg for the second month in a row even though advice is to go up to 14mg, but it is working for me hunger and appetite wise and I don't want worse side effects than I'm currently getting.

I've got quite a bit of queasiness, and acid ( gaviscon is my new friend) and ' sulphur burps'. But it's worth it.
Someone on another thread has managed to get Rybelsus prescribed for weight loss on the NHS and I think at the end of this month's pack I might go and see my doctor and ask if I can too. I don't have any co morbidities but it can't hurt to ask?

I do find my side effects are less if I eat non fried, non sweet food and little and often.

Sorry for the wall of text, but like a lot of you, no one knows I'm taking this medication in real life.

CrystalVision · 02/10/2023 21:29

Hi IronHeart thanks for sharing. There arent a lot of real life experiences online to help. A lot of ozempic but not this.

KayliDzhener · 02/10/2023 21:53

IronHeart · 02/10/2023 20:35

Hi everyone, I've been lurking from the beginning and just want to share my experience with people who will understand. Am on lots of the ozempic threads but there's lots of chatter about needles and clicks and that just doesn't apply so I'm glad to see this Rybelsus dedicated thread.

Started 05/03 at 105kg and 8 weeks later today am at 94kg. In old money that's a 24lb loss. I'm so happy.
Have done every diet goingover the years, SW, ww, Cambridge, lighter life, med diet, fiber diet Atkins and they worked for a bit then I piled it all back on and more.

The difference I have found with this is the obsession with food has gone. I'm able to meal plan and shop without the constant turmoil of " can I have that" " should I have that" etc. It's very freeing.

I have had some side effects, am now on 7mg for the second month in a row even though advice is to go up to 14mg, but it is working for me hunger and appetite wise and I don't want worse side effects than I'm currently getting.

I've got quite a bit of queasiness, and acid ( gaviscon is my new friend) and ' sulphur burps'. But it's worth it.
Someone on another thread has managed to get Rybelsus prescribed for weight loss on the NHS and I think at the end of this month's pack I might go and see my doctor and ask if I can too. I don't have any co morbidities but it can't hurt to ask?

I do find my side effects are less if I eat non fried, non sweet food and little and often.

Sorry for the wall of text, but like a lot of you, no one knows I'm taking this medication in real life.

Nice to meet you. Your tale sounds the same as mine and most other people's. It's good to be rid of the chatter I don't want to move to 14mg as it's taken me three weeks to be rid of the nausea on 7 mg. I need to make a decision soon 11 days left what to do what to do.

CrystalVision · 03/10/2023 13:37

I think if you are happy with the weight loss on 7mg then maybe stick for another month to make sure side effects are well behind you. If I don't see much difference on 7mg in next few weeks, I will go to 14mg. I am encouraged by the people here who also had slow starts ( thanks for sharing ).

KayliDzhener · 03/10/2023 18:50

Yes I am happy on 7mg now so I will do another month

TangoBrava · 03/10/2023 21:55

Hi everyone 👋🏻

My Rybelus first month's supply was supposed to be delivered today... but it wasn't 🤷🏻‍♀️

Assuming it arrives tomorrow, I could start it on Friday morning. BUT I am going away for the weekend with my teenagers.

Are the side effects bad from the start? Should I wait to start after the bank holiday weekend? Any advice very welcome 😁

MaryCruz · 03/10/2023 23:54

TangoBrava · 03/10/2023 21:55

Hi everyone 👋🏻

My Rybelus first month's supply was supposed to be delivered today... but it wasn't 🤷🏻‍♀️

Assuming it arrives tomorrow, I could start it on Friday morning. BUT I am going away for the weekend with my teenagers.

Are the side effects bad from the start? Should I wait to start after the bank holiday weekend? Any advice very welcome 😁

I didnt notice any difference at all

Some do, some don't

I'd probably leave til after the weekend as you don't know which you'll be

CrystalVision · 04/10/2023 05:40

Same here. No side effects but best to wait. You will also have the taking in the morning and no eating for 30 mins thing which might be harder on a weekend away

TangoBrava · 04/10/2023 07:53

Thank you.

I know I should wait, but I am just itching to start 😆

I'll try not to listen to my urge to just get going with it, and instead start next Tuesday.

I'm taking an acne medication anyway on a morning that has to be on an empty stomach, so that but I'm used to.

KayliDzhener · 04/10/2023 08:08

If you have 3mg I didn't have any side effects. It takes a few days to build up in your system so I would probably start straight away. Just watch alcohol fatty and spicy foods for a gentler transition

LanaRay · 04/10/2023 09:16

I also didn’t have any real symptoms on 3mg except mild heartburn which was manageable. I think maybe wait till Tuesday though so you aren’t stressing about your weekend and it being ruined. You could always start eating the right things like protein etc in the run up as I find eating properly really helps symptoms on 7mg. I really don’t eat much junk now maybe a treat of a cake once a week but lots of eggs chicken and fish now and I only have one glass of alcohol if I’m out! (Though on 3mg I was still drinking quite a bit to start with!) Good luck!

CrystalVision · 04/10/2023 09:39

Check for interactions between meds. I am on levothyroxine which is contraindicated due to an interaction. I did a bit of research and the problem is the coating on rybelsus to help absorption increases asorbtion of other meds too. I take rybelsus when I wake during the night usually 2-3am then thyroxine normal time before food about 8 or 9am.

TangoBrava · 04/10/2023 10:37

CrystalVision · 04/10/2023 09:39

Check for interactions between meds. I am on levothyroxine which is contraindicated due to an interaction. I did a bit of research and the problem is the coating on rybelsus to help absorption increases asorbtion of other meds too. I take rybelsus when I wake during the night usually 2-3am then thyroxine normal time before food about 8 or 9am.

Thank you! Yes, I am going to stagger them, even though there's no contraindication cited.