Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

KayliDzhener · 26/09/2023 15:06

Good luck. Do you actually get up at 3am as it does recommend you don't lie down after taking it. Some of us were doing this at the beginning and feeling very nauseous.saying that I am having a bad nausea day today.

CrystalVision · 26/09/2023 15:09

I take it when I first wake which is 3am. I got heartburn and slight nausea but last two mornings just gone back to sleep sat up and been OK. More concerned it's not working.

KayliDzhener · 26/09/2023 15:37

It's very early days, takes 12 weeks to build up in your system. I'm sure you'll get there. One day you'll realise you haven't felt hungry all day. Keep smiling 😄

Opra · 26/09/2023 17:44

Do some foods make you feel worse? And can you drink? I don't drink much, but have a few parties with all of the bank holidays coming up.

KayliDzhener · 26/09/2023 18:09

Yes fatty foods are dreadful for me. You are recommended to eat a bland diet. I have actually gone vegan as dairy made me really sick and no, I can't drink as it makes me feel sick too. Other people's reactions will be unique to them I guess.

DzhuliyaFoks · 26/09/2023 19:19

Hello. Have been following with interest and thought it was time to chip in. I’m on day 10 of 7mg having done the month of 3mg first. I was reassured to read an earlier poster say they felt it wasn’t making much of a difference. On the 3mg I didn’t feel hungry but the huge difference was that I wasn’t trying to cut down at all, was just letting my body get used to the medicine. I expected a real change with the 7 and I’ve tried to cut down to about 1400 calories a day and I feel hungry all the time. I would like to lose about two stone, I will still be a bit overweight at that but know I’ll be a size that I am happy with - a comfortable 14/16. I’m thinking I’ll persevere with this month’s, obviously, but am starting to think about whether or not to go to 14 next time I buy…. Anyway. Good luck with it, everyone!

CrystalVision · 27/09/2023 07:26

Morning, Is anyone checking their blood pressure? I have high BP but meds don't work or sides are too awful i will take my chances!!. I was checking if rybelsus could make it worse but tests show could lower significantly. I would keep taking it for that alone if it worked. Mine is still stubbornly high but early days. On day 4 and maybe starting to feel a little bit off food. I seem to be getting periods of hunger vs nausea/off food but the off periods are getting longer.

KayliDzhener · 27/09/2023 10:14

I haven't checked my blood pressure but it is supposed to lower it according to the leaflet. I am having a terrible day. All my own doing as I had jalepeno poppers last night. Fried cheese and spice all things you shouldn't eat and have been 🤮 copiously. I now feel washed out and yukky. I will learn my lesson and follow the advice.

Bland diet and no fried food. Bland bland bland 🥶

CrystalVision · 27/09/2023 10:21

Mine is soaring 149/90. Although it was high at check up on Monday before I started. Maybe it's anxiety of taking tablets or low blood sugar. Probably too early for tablets to affect BP. Late night snacks hard to resist, they taste too good. Even better at night

KayliDzhener · 28/09/2023 08:39

I took some clients out for dinner last night and had to leave early as I knew I was going to be ill. I drank one half of cider over three hours and managed to make it home before vomiting copiously. I'm not sure if I can go on with this to be honest.

Has anyone found a way to deal with the acid and nausea? I bought some ginger tablets yesterday and I have gaviscon guardium but it feels like I am taking so many tablets to combat side effects. I think I will have to knock the networking on the head for a while and just stay close to home.

I haven't eaten anything for two days now and can't even keep water down. Let me know if you are managing and if you are eating, what you are eating. I'm going to try some bread at 9am see how that goes.

CrystalVision · 28/09/2023 10:55

I got a bit freaked by my BP and chest pains. I had a small glass of wine last night and woke up feeling like death so I skipped the pill this morning. Maybe it's OK to skip it if you are planning a night out?? Might lessen side effects. I haven't experienced much at all yet so I can't help with the nausea

KayliDzhener · 28/09/2023 11:06

I don't know. I have reread the what to eat and what not to eat and stocked up on the right things when my shop arrives Monday. I have written today off was supposed to be at a lunch event but there's no point in pushing myself. I had a scrambled egg and that's staying down so far but my head is banging and I have an itchy rash all over my face. Joy. I start a new job next week so will have to be in the ball.

LanaRay · 29/09/2023 04:53

For me nausea etc had died down on 7mg (or so I thought) and the last two days the food chatter has definitely reappeared and I’ve eaten slight more (wanted a few biscuits both days for example in between meals and also fancied a bacon sarnie for lunch yesterday!). Tonight we had people for dinner, I ate very little in comparison to old times, had two glasses of champagne and a couple of mouthfuls of wine. Food was rich and pudding. Went to bed feeling a bit sick and now (sorry for tmi) just been terribly sick and also had very upset tummy!! Does make me worry about going out for food!!!

Other weird symptom apart from being cold most of the time is that some days my skin feels like sandpaper, like even the clothes hurt if that makes sense?!? I’m sticking on 7mg instead of moving up to 14mg.

How are you feeling now KayliDzhener? How’s your rash?

Kelly · 29/09/2023 07:38

I'm T2 diabetic and was prescribed the 3mg in Jan and then moved onto the 7mg after 3 weeks.

I cannot tell you how ill I was the first 4-5 weeks, vomiting, sickness, diarrhoea, exhaustion, headaches, just a general feeling of unwell.

Perseverance has paid I'm 5, 7 and down 28lb to 13,4 and there has been a drastic improvement in my bloods as well.

But I have been very strict, I've also switched to low carb/high protein and am drinking at least 4 litres of water a day.

It does get easier, but my god the illness at the start. I thought I was dying!!

KayliDzhener · 29/09/2023 09:20

LanaRay · 29/09/2023 04:53

For me nausea etc had died down on 7mg (or so I thought) and the last two days the food chatter has definitely reappeared and I’ve eaten slight more (wanted a few biscuits both days for example in between meals and also fancied a bacon sarnie for lunch yesterday!). Tonight we had people for dinner, I ate very little in comparison to old times, had two glasses of champagne and a couple of mouthfuls of wine. Food was rich and pudding. Went to bed feeling a bit sick and now (sorry for tmi) just been terribly sick and also had very upset tummy!! Does make me worry about going out for food!!!

Other weird symptom apart from being cold most of the time is that some days my skin feels like sandpaper, like even the clothes hurt if that makes sense?!? I’m sticking on 7mg instead of moving up to 14mg.

How are you feeling now KayliDzhener? How’s your rash?

Thanks for asking. I agree that drinking alcohol and eating out are a waste of money, I can't cope. Maybe a salad or something light might work. My rash has gone and yesterday I ate more and felt better maybe 6oo calories. I bought a loaf of bread and some peanut butter so am going to try toast today and peanut were recommended as a protein source. I also managed a tin of vegetable soup yesterday and I took my tablet 30 mins ago and am keeping it down. I might try another month of 7mg. The weight has started to move but it's hardly surprising really the amount of tummy trouble I have had.

Good news, my partner hugged me and said I felt smaller ( I haven't told him about the tablets) and I got in my size 16 Boden jeans on Thursday although they were very uncomfortable and I had spanx on! Still it's progress.

KayliDzhener · 29/09/2023 09:24

Kelly · 29/09/2023 07:38

I'm T2 diabetic and was prescribed the 3mg in Jan and then moved onto the 7mg after 3 weeks.

I cannot tell you how ill I was the first 4-5 weeks, vomiting, sickness, diarrhoea, exhaustion, headaches, just a general feeling of unwell.

Perseverance has paid I'm 5, 7 and down 28lb to 13,4 and there has been a drastic improvement in my bloods as well.

But I have been very strict, I've also switched to low carb/high protein and am drinking at least 4 litres of water a day.

It does get easier, but my god the illness at the start. I thought I was dying!!

Wow well done. My downfall is drinking. TMI maybe but my very scant pee really stinks. I used to drink several litres now it's one glass as I don't have a thirst. I will set an alarm every hour to drink a glass I think. It might help. Thanks for your input it's great to see other people's journeys.

CrystalVision · 29/09/2023 12:34

I am struggling to drink too. I am thirsty but the thought of drinking makes me feel sick. OK with tea coffee but not pint of water or squash.
an update from me for future readers. I started on 7mg for 4 days. No significant sides and maybe less tempted by food rather than not hungry. Then BP and chest pains freaked me out and I stopped for 2 days. Just been for brunch and didn't order food or steal partner chips...maybe it is working ? or having paid that much for it I am convincing myself it does.
I am going to start up again tomorrow. I think high BP is low blood sugar, dehydration and anxiety over taking tablets. I can control that so let's try again...I will lose 14lbs before that family wedding in 6 weeks...

KayliDzhener · 29/09/2023 14:34

Oh good luck. Me and oh went for a walk today and I have just eaten some prawns. I keep thinking of boiled eggs so gonna have one for dinner. This is not the easy road I had hoped for!

Madonna · 30/09/2023 09:35

Any tips for getting over the nausea? I've been keeping up my water intake, but it reminds me of the early weeks of pregnancy where it occupies my mind the whole time.

KayliDzhener · 30/09/2023 09:41

Urgh it's awful. I have been taking myself to bed! Yesterday wasn't so bad. I ate more and regularly too. Pice if toast in the morning, prawns in the afternoon and half a burger for dinner. I also took a ginger tablet and a guardium. I start work next week so I won't be able to sleep sm hoping keeping busy works.

Alexa · 30/09/2023 09:43

I didn’t find it very helpful. 3 mg was good, but didn’t last. 7 mg made me more hungry. I was on it for about 12 weeks and it made no difference.

KayliDzhener · 30/09/2023 10:56

That's a shame, I'm nearly at 2 stone lost in seven weeks so it definitely works for me, just had a few sicky days recently due I think to not eating enough. I was combining it with keto and omad and I think that didn't work for me. Am now doing the Mediterranean diet this week to see how I go. I feel great today. Hope you find something that works for you .

CrystalVision · 30/09/2023 12:55

Two stone in 7 weeks is amazing. Well done. Do you think it's because you can't keep food down or have you just not been hungry most days. I I hoping you just not feel hungry and eat less rather than feel to ill to eat

KayliDzhener · 30/09/2023 13:07

I've been sick three times in that time, so it's just not being hungry. I am making an effort to eat more now though