Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

Adel · 21/09/2023 12:41

Thought I would do a little update. Things seem to be a bit better now. Day 8 and I have been vomit free for two days. Nausea has also passed. I have constant hiccups though which is apparently not a side effect so not sure what's going on with that. I think once I get to 14mg and pass the nausea it should be plain sailing. Stayed the same weight all this week, but I can now get in a size 18 suit I bought last year and couldn't zip up. It's actually loose on the waist so I am getting my curves back woopy.

Hope you are having a good week.

dodofofo · 23/09/2023 08:46

Hi everyone!

I'm late to the party but hope you don't mind me joining in!

I'm on day 11 of Rybelsus 3mg & have spent about a week burping, gagging & snapping at everyone I meet. Gaviscon is my new best friend & I guess you could say we're getting pretty serious now...

On the plus side I'm a few pounds down. I'm very much overweight and under investigation for autoimmune problems. I had seen lots of Doctors mention how their patients seem to get benefit from Semaglutide RE their autoimmune symptoms although there's not currently evidence to completely support this claim. Fingers crossed!

LanaRay · 23/09/2023 08:48

Morning, glad you are feeling better Adel I’m slightly ahead of you on the 7mg and can report that the nausea has defo got better and is hardly at all. I find if I eat properly (although small meals) I feel better so whereas before I never had breakfast I now have porridge and blueberries etc. I do feel cold though, constantly freezing the last few days! Weight wise today I’m 1/2 pound from losing a stone. It’s been so easy in terms of previous diets where I’ve obsessed over food and missed all the sugar like mad when trying to be healthy, now nothing like that which is liberating! I’m also making healthier choices. Hope all have a good week 😊

Sunshineandrainbow · 23/09/2023 09:06

I bought these about 2 months ago and have been scared to take them.
I weigh 18 stone and it's like I am scared to take them as food is my crutch but at the same time hate the way I look and only leave the house for work.
I start a new job soon and would feel better losing some before the start date.

Adel · 23/09/2023 09:52

Sunshineandrainbow · 23/09/2023 09:06

I bought these about 2 months ago and have been scared to take them.
I weigh 18 stone and it's like I am scared to take them as food is my crutch but at the same time hate the way I look and only leave the house for work.
I start a new job soon and would feel better losing some before the start date.

Don't be afraid, you definitely don't want to start taking them when starting a new job as they spdo make you feel a little uncomfortable. I started at 18 stone 2 and am now 16:6 in 5 weeks. 3mg I had no side effects at all and lost 16 lb in the month. 7mg was more difficult with ,4 days of nausea and 1 actual vomit but it's settled after about 5 days. Not list any weight this week but I have been eating more to quell the nausea. I start a new job on May 1 so will have to be careful there. The literature says they take 3 months to start working so the sooner you start the better. We all seem to have seen reasonable results early doors though.

Tips I have learned which you may want to try.

Get up go to the loo and then take the tablet keep busy for 30 mins then rest and drink a mug if tea and take supplements - don't lie down after

Have a small meal, mine is two eggs microwaved for 1 min like scrambled eggs

Take the day as gently as you can and rest lots

Set a timer to remind to drink every hour as I don't have hunger or thirst, fizzy drinks upset my stomach now

Alcohol tastes vile. I don't drink now

But a shit ton of airwaves chewing gum cos your breath will be vile

Good luck

Adel · 23/09/2023 09:57

LanaRay · 23/09/2023 08:48

Morning, glad you are feeling better Adel I’m slightly ahead of you on the 7mg and can report that the nausea has defo got better and is hardly at all. I find if I eat properly (although small meals) I feel better so whereas before I never had breakfast I now have porridge and blueberries etc. I do feel cold though, constantly freezing the last few days! Weight wise today I’m 1/2 pound from losing a stone. It’s been so easy in terms of previous diets where I’ve obsessed over food and missed all the sugar like mad when trying to be healthy, now nothing like that which is liberating! I’m also making healthier choices. Hope all have a good week 😊

Thanks for the tips. I was just eating a small dinner, but have found something in the morning helps. The cold is real! I have a hot water bottle welded to me, I was the same with Cambridge diet, all you energy goes to keeping you breathing so there is nothing to keep you warm. I had hair loss on Cambridge too so I am prepared for that although it's not happening yet. Keep us informed, I can only find American forums on line so this is a useful resource for others thinking of trying it.

Adel · 23/09/2023 09:58

dodofofo · 23/09/2023 08:46

Hi everyone!

I'm late to the party but hope you don't mind me joining in!

I'm on day 11 of Rybelsus 3mg & have spent about a week burping, gagging & snapping at everyone I meet. Gaviscon is my new best friend & I guess you could say we're getting pretty serious now...

On the plus side I'm a few pounds down. I'm very much overweight and under investigation for autoimmune problems. I had seen lots of Doctors mention how their patients seem to get benefit from Semaglutide RE their autoimmune symptoms although there's not currently evidence to completely support this claim. Fingers crossed!

Welcome, keep us in the loop how you are getting along

Kickingupmerrybehaviour · 23/09/2023 10:02

I’ve taken that. Didn’t really feel any appetite suppressant until I was on 14mg where I got about a week of appetite suppressant and then it went. I’m trying ozempic now 1mg.

LanaRay · 23/09/2023 10:11

dodofofo · 23/09/2023 08:46

Hi everyone!

I'm late to the party but hope you don't mind me joining in!

I'm on day 11 of Rybelsus 3mg & have spent about a week burping, gagging & snapping at everyone I meet. Gaviscon is my new best friend & I guess you could say we're getting pretty serious now...

On the plus side I'm a few pounds down. I'm very much overweight and under investigation for autoimmune problems. I had seen lots of Doctors mention how their patients seem to get benefit from Semaglutide RE their autoimmune symptoms although there's not currently evidence to completely support this claim. Fingers crossed!

Hello 👋🏻 hope your symptoms did down soon, I nearly stopped at 7mg I felt so unwell but it passed after a few days

KayliDzhener · 24/09/2023 16:48

I seem to have lost how I logged in. Greensleeves here with a new account as I cleared my cache and list my password 😔

MaryCruz · 24/09/2023 20:47

ok - so i have been on 7 for a week, and still not really down on appetite.... argh!

Alika95 · 24/09/2023 22:13

I’ve been on 7 for a week now, I’ve lost 3lbs but I don’t think my appetites down massively. I think I’ve lost because I’m actively trying to eat little. Typically I struggle to stick to a strict diet for longer than three weeks, I’m hoping this is what’s going to make the difference this time round.

Madonna · 25/09/2023 08:17

I am due to start 7mg tomorrow, slightly worried that I am due to be going into the office for meetings and whether the side effects will be problematic.

I find keeping on top of the amount of water/herbal tea I drink is key - I was busy last week and got a bit dehydrated which i need to avoid.

Sunshineandrainbow · 25/09/2023 08:26

The tablets I have are 7mg. Should I halve them to start with?

MaryCruz · 25/09/2023 09:33

Sunshineandrainbow · 25/09/2023 08:26

The tablets I have are 7mg. Should I halve them to start with?

the general advice is no, as there is a specil coating

can you get some 3s to start you off?

MaryCruz · 25/09/2023 09:33


MatijaSever · 25/09/2023 09:34

Among the advances, Rybelsus stands out as a pioneering oral drug designed not only to control blood sugar levels but also to help with weight loss.

MaryCruz · 25/09/2023 09:38

Today weight is 14 stone and 0.6 pounds

KayliDzhener · 25/09/2023 10:28

MaryCruz · 24/09/2023 20:47

ok - so i have been on 7 for a week, and still not really down on appetite.... argh!

I'm finding I am hungrier on 7mg than I was on 3mg weird isn't it?

KayliDzhener · 25/09/2023 10:30

How do you feel about that? Good, bad, indifferent?

MaryCruz · 25/09/2023 10:40

KayliDzhener · 25/09/2023 10:30

How do you feel about that? Good, bad, indifferent?

bit fed up to be brutally honest, I've spent a fortune on a 'wonder-drug' and I've not had the 'magical not wanting to eat' I am possibly getting filled up quicker? maybe?

I'm going to get the 14mg next month but if after 2 weeks it doesnt happen, I'll have to give up

KayliDzhener · 25/09/2023 10:56

I would feel the same to be honest, it's a really hard slog. The medical results I have read speak if people losing 6lb over six months si it's not a massive amount. I lost 21 lbs last month but I am much heavier than you but I've lost nothing this past 10 days. It says it needs to build up in the body for three months before you see a result so I would give it 4 months and see how you go.

LanaRay · 25/09/2023 13:43

hello, I still think that’s a decent loss MaryCruz and also some people take a lot longer to adjust, I’m sure I’ve read 14mg for some before they really notice? I’ve just reordered 7mg for my next month as don’t think I can go up to 14mg (tiredness etc) just yet! I have now lost 1 stone since I started and I don’t want to lose too quickly as need to make sure I don’t go saggy (which has now started worrying me lol!)

MaryCruz · 25/09/2023 14:12

thanks team!