Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

Adel · 15/09/2023 10:54

Because you have to take it in an empty stomach and can't have anything for 30 minutes after. When I get up I like a cup of tea.

MaryCruz · 15/09/2023 13:09

ImSweetEnoughDarlin · 15/09/2023 10:23

Why are you all taking it so early? Why not just take it when you get up for the day?

I take it when I wake up around 6 and then go back to sleep

Handy to know about the not lying down though

LanaRay · 15/09/2023 15:10

Yes I take as soon as I wake up as like to have a cup of tea first thing! Do feel slightly better today so will carry on and hope I have nothing like whilst on 3mg soon. I also think I need to be careful what I eat (more protein) and not eating dinner too late! Started with porridge this morning as normally don’t eat until lunch but trying to see if that will help me fingers crossed.

I’m 12 stone 3 today (though likely due to being so poorly yesterday!) down from 13 stone 1lb when I started 4 weeks and 5 days ago so its really helping (I struggled to lose even a pound prior despite exercising a lot and watching calories!)

Lion · 15/09/2023 15:51

I’m awaiting my first delivery. Am a bit nervous but battling against perimenopause stubborn weight and so fed up thinking about food all the time.

trying to work out when to start, obv want to right away but worried i’ll be ill and have various commitments in the next couple of weeks. But reassuring to hear some of you have had minimal side effects.

LanaRay · 15/09/2023 16:26

Lion · 15/09/2023 15:51

I’m awaiting my first delivery. Am a bit nervous but battling against perimenopause stubborn weight and so fed up thinking about food all the time.

trying to work out when to start, obv want to right away but worried i’ll be ill and have various commitments in the next couple of weeks. But reassuring to hear some of you have had minimal side effects.

If you are starting on 3mg I have to say I didn’t suffer any real symptoms on this level. I took it first thing in the morning before I shower norm. The only thing I did notice is a lack of interest in food in case any of your commitments are big meals! Good luck

Lion · 15/09/2023 18:09

Ooh this is good to hear, its more travelling so not handy for loos and maybe wanting to eat/drink socially, so maybe will be ok. Think i’ll make sure i’m low commitment and close to home for first few days anyway.

Adel · 15/09/2023 21:06

I find eating pretty much impossible, no appetite at all. The worst side effect is evil breath. I bought a big box of airwaves chewing gum and carry them everywhere. No had any toilet troubles except lack of motions, maybe one a week. Not constipated or in pain. Like when on keto diet there is no waste to pass.

Opra · 15/09/2023 21:34

Oooh. I haven't heard of this. I went through early menopause and find it very difficult to lose weight. I'm wondering whether to give them a go!

Adel · 15/09/2023 22:58

Not for the faint hearted the side effects can be dire, do your research. My BMI was 41 so I was happy to have a go. If you just want to shift a few pounds I wouldn't. I am looking at probably 8 stone to get to a healthy weight. First goal is 3.5 which will put me at just obese BMI 30

Opra · 16/09/2023 20:37

Is it similar to metformin? I had to take that when pregnant as I had gestational diabetes. It caused nausea but the weight fell off me.

Adel · 17/09/2023 10:02

I don't know, I'm not diabetic but it's used by some people alongside Metformin or so I have read on other forums

MaryCruz · 19/09/2023 08:37

Today is day 1 of 7mg

Yesterday as there had not been much movement, I took some lactolose to help it along .... and it did

Today I am 14 st 0.8 lbs, so in 30 days, I have lost 6lbs. That's disappointing to me, yes I know, its still a loss, but being honest I was hoping for more.

I know that 3mg is the "starting dose" and I should now be expecting better results soon.

My plan is to allow a further month (so 3 in total) and if the weight loss isn't great, then I will give up on this one too so fingers crossed as I am running out of ideas

Also, today the tablet got stuck in my throat and that was horrible

LanaRay · 19/09/2023 08:53

I’m day 7 I think of 7mg and have become stuck at the same weight. Thankfully the sickness that I had on day 3 of 7mg has subsided (still nauseous but no where near like I was). I too have very little movement and so got some Psyllium Rusks Fibre which I took yesterday but also thinking about lactolose to ‘help’. So far I’ve lost 12lbs and I think it’s been 1 month of 3mg and a week of 7mg. I was really hoping to be in the next stone bracket by now but will persevere.

I’d also say give it a few more days on 7mg and I think youIl notice a shift as I lost 3lb within the first few days of moving to it and although I’m stuck hovering now I think that’s due to being a hit blocked up! I know what you mean about the tablet, my line didn’t get stuck but I could taste it today when I took it and nearly gagged!!

Lion · 19/09/2023 09:01

I was wondering how much of a calorie deficit you are eating at? I saw that some people struggle to even eat 1000 kcals a day. That must lead to exhaustion though?

Adel · 19/09/2023 09:09

They do taste rank and I feel like my throat is tightening or closing up. I'm having a hard time on 7mg but the weightloss is unbelievable, this morning I was 4lb lighter overnight

. I have been so nauseous and spent more than 12 hours a day sleeping, luckily I am out of work at the minute so I can take things very easy.

I am only passing one poo a week but let's face it I am probably eating the equivalent of a sandwich a week so it's not surprising definitely not constipated just like on keto I think, there is just no waste to pass.

Lovely Amazon lady has just delivered gaviscon guardium so I hope that works on the heartburn. Went to a cocktail party last night and held one glass of prosecco all night and ate nothing very weird. Thursday and Friday I have breakfast and very boozy lunches out so I will see how that goes.

Non scale victory yesterday a pair of Karen Millen jeans size 20 that I couldn't get over my thighs when I bought them slip on and buttoned up. I couldn't do the zip but I will in a day or two.

I definitely was bigger than MaryCruz when I started as your weight is only a little over my 3 stone goal so that is why my weight is moving quicker started at 18:2 and an now 16:6 I think ( I weigh in pounds) in 5 weeks.

Adel · 19/09/2023 09:11

Lion · 19/09/2023 09:01

I was wondering how much of a calorie deficit you are eating at? I saw that some people struggle to even eat 1000 kcals a day. That must lead to exhaustion though?

I'm managing literally a bite of food. Last night about a quarter of a chicken leg and as I cross posted I am incredibly tired. I can eat a whole yoghurt so I am going to try to be better with food from now on as I can't continue sleeping my life away.

Adel · 19/09/2023 09:13

The doctor recommended 1400 calories but I can't get near that yet.

Lion · 19/09/2023 10:13

That sounds really stressful. It's not really conducive to having an active healthy lifestyle is it. I am so nervous to start but feel like if I can't also work out then it kind of defeats the long term goal.

Adel · 19/09/2023 12:56

Being 10 stone overweight isn't healthy either so I'll take what I can💯. Everyone has there own journey. If course you can work out healthy diet and exercise are prescribed as well. I just haven't got there yet. It takes about 3 months for your body to tolerate the medication and work at maximum, I'm only in week 5

MaryCruz · 19/09/2023 14:44

dont forget to take your vitamins etc

Adel · 19/09/2023 16:05

Good call I haven't taken any during this time as worried about vomiting them back up. Today was the first day I have actually vomited though so I might try tonight. I thought I would try breakfast after more than two hours but a spoonful of yoghurt was enough to hurl, it's vegan so not even dairy!

LanaRay · 19/09/2023 19:40

Adel · 19/09/2023 16:05

Good call I haven't taken any during this time as worried about vomiting them back up. Today was the first day I have actually vomited though so I might try tonight. I thought I would try breakfast after more than two hours but a spoonful of yoghurt was enough to hurl, it's vegan so not even dairy!

What day of 7mg are you on? I was so ill for a full day and quesy for quite a few after when I started 7mg. I’ve stopped lying back down after taking the tablet since you said and have to say feel no where near as bad so hopefully it will lift for you soon. I’m really struggling with food though and def not eating enough calories or protein, had the gym this morning and no energy whatsoever which is due to the lack of food I’m eating. Today has been a bowl of porridge and a piece of Wholemeal with a poached egg which I had to force down. So not hungry for dinner!

Kristin · 19/09/2023 20:08

I'm on my third day of 3mg. No side effects so far but I do wonder if I am less hungry and controlled by food although I know it could be in my head.

I am a serial dieter, lost 6 stone pre-Covid and only had another couple to target but have regained 3 of them so trying to lose that again. If I totaled up my weight loss over my adult life it would be more than my, not inconsiderable, current body weight but I never keep it off

Adel · 19/09/2023 21:20

LanaRay · 19/09/2023 19:40

What day of 7mg are you on? I was so ill for a full day and quesy for quite a few after when I started 7mg. I’ve stopped lying back down after taking the tablet since you said and have to say feel no where near as bad so hopefully it will lift for you soon. I’m really struggling with food though and def not eating enough calories or protein, had the gym this morning and no energy whatsoever which is due to the lack of food I’m eating. Today has been a bowl of porridge and a piece of Wholemeal with a poached egg which I had to force down. So not hungry for dinner!

Day six today. I did actually throw up today. I hope tomorrow will be better I have two big days food wise tomorrow and Friday so need to be careful. Glad you are feeling better. I have been eating about 200 cals a day, literally half a grilled chicken breast. Tonight I made pasta with cheese sauce and managed a tiny portion. Onwards and upwards.