Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

IronHeart · 25/03/2024 11:57

@KayliDzhener so glad to hear from you, your symptoms were very worrying. A friend on Oz has just had to have her gall bladder out as losing a lot of weight can trigger problems, she had a lot of gastric issues similar to you. Hope you get sorted soon.

Any chance OP can start a new thread for us?

KayliDzhener · 25/03/2024 13:10

Thank you, the doctor is not concerned though so there is nothing to sort out. I will just continue to be as careful as possible.

LanaRay · 25/03/2024 19:15

@KayliDzhener what a relief! How's the weight whilst you are off the tablets? Any difference.

@IronHeart was she taking weight loss tablets?

KayliDzhener · 25/03/2024 20:24

I'm still losing, my appetite hadn't changed thankfully. I still have two months tablets left so might take them after Christmas to finish them off.

IronHeart · 27/03/2024 09:09

@LanaRay sorry, maybe the way I worded that was not very clear. My friend has been taking ozempic, which I am used to shortening to 'oz' when texting her, and she has been told that any major weight loss can be a trigger for gall bladder issues.

She's on the mend, but had a few very painful months while it was getting sorted out.

SilverFox · 29/03/2024 20:39

how is everyone getting on?
another 3lbs off for me. Slow progress, but happy with it.
just ordered some 14mg as rightangled has 10% off. Hoping it will give me a boots before Christmas.

Monika · 31/03/2024 09:29

Hi @SilverFox (wish I was able to do some dinosaur sized poo, eternally bunged up!!)

Thanks for heads up on Rightangled, also just ordered some 14mg as it's about time I moved up.

I've been on a bit of a break through some of october due to holidays, so had to ramp back up again. Stepped on the scale yesterday and somehow have lost 2 pounds despite eating a shit ton of pasta and chocolate - magic drug! It has slowed down progress ofc due to this, but it's great to still see the scale moving down.

KayliDzhener · 31/03/2024 13:27

I need to get back on the tablets I just 4 crumpets ! With butter and honey been off a month now maybe back to 7mg

CrystalVision · 31/03/2024 17:16

I think it must take about a month to wear off. I went to half dose while abroad for a month and lost 5lbs but since back home slowly eaten more and gained a few lbs. Back on full dose this week until I hit my target. Only a few lbs but harder than the fist 22lbs. Then I will need a coming off plan.

StarlightDancer · 01/04/2024 07:09

Hi all

hows everyone getting on I’m very sporadic poster on the thread!
I’ve moved up to 14mg in October. I’m 38lbs down since I started this journey. I’m struggling to finish any food at the moment and even smells of foods make me gag, effectively doing a VLCD as the side effect of the pills - I guess this is how it works though right!

has anyone else managed to push through this and get food in? I think I need to start upping my calories as I feel very weak and tired.

side note had a friend tell me she hoped I’d stay fat after having a baby!! Can you believe it!

KayliDzhener · 01/04/2024 13:00

No on the tablets I can't eat at all, could go days without eating.

I will start BACK on again after my holiday next week I think. A month for it to wear off is true for me.

IronHeart · 01/04/2024 19:17

Hi all, am trying to eke out my tablets. Had 10 days left of 14 in the 20/10 and still have 5 left, so roughly every other day. Just remembered that I hadn't weighed myself in a while so just got on the scales, at tea time, wearing jeans when normally I do it first thing in PJ's. Trying not to freak out too much as scales said I had put on 3kg in a week!

I'm refusing to log it in my app and will weigh again on Saturday morning as I usually do. Getting worried as my supply is running low.

@StarlightDancer why on earth would your 'friend' say that to you? Mind boggled.

StarlightDancer · 01/04/2024 20:19

@KayliDzhener i feel the same, could happily go days with no food. But I do worry as I started to feel faint standing on the train and then wondered how on earth you come off them.
@IronHeart i know, bizarre! I think don’t trust end of the day weights mine are all over the place through the day

KayliDzhener · 01/04/2024 21:21

I came off them by stopping taking them! Sorry but it's that simple. It's taken a month for the effect to wear off. I will start on 13 November again but probs just one every other day it's good to slow the weightloss for a bit, the first 5 stone was very quick. Recovery time is good.n

LanaRay · 02/04/2024 08:10

Morning all,

@IronHeart oh dear, I was worried about this I have read about a fair few people having this and there was one particular tv person who's lost a load of weight that I follow on Insta (who never openly said how she'd lost the weight) who had said the pain from gall bladder was worst she'd ever experienced and was rushed in recently for an op!! Also re the 3lbs I wouldn't worry too much, you poss had more water retention etc as toward end of day. If I forget to weigh first thing I won't do it any later haha for that very reason!

@SilverFox I'm still fairly regular each morning but I take tablets each day to try to help. I still have huge issues with haemorrhoids though and will have to go to the doctor about this, the pain is incredible and has led to a lot of tears recently!

I still have and am on 7mg. I was away recently and ate more food than ever before whilst still on them and only put on 2.5lbs which I thought was a miracle! I also missed a few days of tablets but mostly took them. I am now struggling to eat 'normally' again, I'm absolutely starving lol! I also did no exercise so need to start that up again. I definitely couldn't go days without food like you guys @KayliDzhener and @StarlightDancer but I reckon 14mg must be much stronger.

@CrystalVision im also now determined to get back on it, take my tabs consistently until Xmas. I have enough 7mg until then I think, are you on 14 I can't remember. I then also need a plan as can't keep paying for the tablets and also said I would take them to kick start and not stay on them for ever. Plus at the weight I want to get to, they won't give me tabs anymore as my BMI will be in the fine range. At the back of my mind there's a tiny voice saying I should be concerned about the effects of being on them long term.

Hope everyone manages to avoid the weather today!

LanaRay · 03/04/2024 17:53

Numan saying they won't get any stock of 7mg and 14 mg for foreseeable future!! Offering Wegovy but I don't want to change. Anyone else having issues?

SilverFox · 03/04/2024 19:25

Hi all,

2lbs off despite a break is great @Monika
slow and steady wins the race.

I’m going to move up to 14 next week @IronHeart
are you still struggling. I’ve started to really struggle
to eat and not throw up the past few days. Kind of scared of what that will be like on the 14! I’ve found that I feel less sick if I eat in the morning than if I skip breakfast. But it’s a bit of a job to get it down. Never been a big breakfast eater.

had anyone cut tablets in half? Might do that if the 14 is too much. Would save i suppose.

i can’t believe your friend said that @StarlightDancer so rude!

@LanaRay I feel your pile pain! I’ve had horrific ones since carrying my youngest’s giant head. I didn’t even push him out! I’d hate to imagine what would’ve happened if I did. The pressure of his melon in my uterus caused enough damage.
i’ve been taking some stool softener tabs daily and they’re helping a lot.

a work mate noticed that I’ve lost some weight today. Hooray!

KayliDzhener · 03/04/2024 20:29

https://getwellsafely.com/buy-rybelsus-usa.html. Everything in stock here earler

VelvetRose · 03/04/2024 20:42

Hi guys! New here- I really want to try Rybelsus, has anyone used slimming-4-you or aj hill? Sounds like they have a partnership so presumably if one is legit the other should be too?

CrystalVision · 04/04/2024 07:53

@VelvetRose Yes I use AJ Hill. Slimming 4 you are the pharmacy with AJ Hill managing the Web sales consultations follow up etc. They have been excellent. Ordered 4 times from them.

VelvetRose · 04/04/2024 10:05

@CrystalVision thank you so much for getting back to me! Would you mind letting me know what the consultation was like? I’ve read that people have been able to start on 7mg from other places- do they ask for evidence that you’ve previously taken semaglutide? Sorry for all the questions!

CrystalVision · 04/04/2024 11:26

@VelvetRose sent you a message

LanaRay · 04/04/2024 13:10

@VelvetRose I ordered from them yesterday lunchtime and it's already been sent with delivery due tomorrow. Much more expensive than I was paying from Numan but I popped in the box that I was on 7mg and that I wanted to not move up to 14mg and stay on it and they were fine. I also mentioned my normal supplier were out of stock. I thought there would be further questions being g a new patient but it was approved within an hour.

VelvetRose · 04/04/2024 14:29

@LanaRay oh cool! Thank you for the reply, I can’t believe how fast the shipping is that’s brilliant- I’m going to fill out the form when I get home. Feeling nervous and excited at the same time!!

SaraBrown · 05/04/2024 14:39

Yes, clinical trials have shown that people taking Rybelsus experience significant weight loss. This dual action makes it an attractive option for people who want to fight obesity. While Rybelsus can help with weight loss, it is most effective when supplemented with a healthy lifestyle. Adopting a balanced diet and regular physical activity can increase the overall success of a weight loss plan.

LanaMorisson · 05/04/2024 15:29

How to Take Rybelsus for Weight Loss?

Charlotte · 05/04/2024 16:21

LanaMorisson · 05/04/2024 15:29

How to Take Rybelsus for Weight Loss?

The recommended dosage of Rybelsus for weight loss may differ from the dosage for diabetes. Typically, the starting dose is 3 mg once daily for 30 days, then the dose is increased to 7 mg once daily. Further dose increases up to 14 mg may then be considered.

LanaMorisson · 06/04/2024 11:10

How long does it take for Rybelsus to start working?

Veronica · 06/04/2024 14:01

LanaMorisson · 06/04/2024 11:10

How long does it take for Rybelsus to start working?

Many people begin seeing modest weight loss within a week or so of starting Rybelsus. Rybelsus does result in weight loss, but the dose makes all the difference. Those who took the highest standard dose (14 mg) of oral semaglutide lost an average of 4.4 kg (less than 5% of their body weight) after 52 weeks.

Rybelsus delays gastric emptying, meaning it causes food to move more slowly through the digestive tract. This keeps you fuller for longer, decreasing appetite and resulting in weight loss.

Another way it affects weight loss is by doing exactly what its drug class says it does: activating the GLP-1 receptor in the brain. GLP-1 is a natural hormone that does many things in the body, one of which is sending fullness signals to the brain after eating. The natural mechanism kicks into gear for only a few minutes, but taking a GLP-1 receptor agonist drug keeps that signal activated for much longer.