Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

RubyRed · 05/11/2023 20:33

@LoneWolf and @KayliDzhener that’s brilliant, well done both of you.

@LoneWolf motorway services are my nemesis, I do a weekly trip to my office which is a 250 mile trip filled with temptation at every single junction. Being able to resist the endless junk food is so liberating.

RachelGreensHair · 05/11/2023 22:22

Second day was OK, appetite still here but am calorie counting so managed to resist. Am in office tomorrow so have made a salad, got a yoghurt and a banana to stop me wandering to the nice eating places near my office!!

LoneWolf · 06/11/2023 07:19

Thanks for the encouragement everyone and well done on the losses and the victories over temptation.

I have been reading through the ozempic threads and still bewildered that virtually everyone has opted for the injections over the tablets when it sounds like such a faff. I'd hate to inject something that lasts for a week in case I had a bad reaction and had a week of feeling horrendous. At least with the tablets you can just stop the next day if you're feeling rough.

I'm not sure how the current shortages are going to affect delivery but fingers crossed when my next delivery is due in three weeks there is more stock.

The only downside I'm finding is that I'm more tired than usual and less inclined to exercise but I'm going to make an effort to get out for a walk at lunchtime - I'll take the dog as she always makes me up my pace.

RubyRed · 06/11/2023 09:00

I have thought the same re the tablets vs. Injection. Rybelsus isn’t as widely discussed or featured in the media, it took me a bit of research to find it so maybe some people simply don’t know there is an alternative.

CrystalVision · 06/11/2023 09:28

I only discovered tablets were an option by accident when ordering ozempic. And it seems like so much less faff. No fridge/Delivery hassles, no faulty pens/needles and being able to stop if its horrible. I asked weight loss clinic if they would give same results and they were a bit non committal...some people see results etc. I think they need more care when taken and maybe slower. I am happy with the choice I made. Update from me is 13lbs lost after 2 weeks on 7mg and 4 weeks on 14mg with a few gaps in taking which don't seem to have made much difference. Stopped again now as I have an infection and feel ill enough with that.

CrystalVision · 06/11/2023 09:34

@LoneWolf I find I have more stamina but less energy. So low intensity walking or swimming is fine and i can go further, but I feel weak if I try to up the pace.

LoneWolf · 06/11/2023 09:58

I'm finding this thread so useful for motivation/support. I think the tablets are great - they work and are so convenient. I take mine probably around 3am (I purposely don't look at the clock when I wake up in the night as if I know the time it's harder to get back to sleep for some reason but it's still dark and no bird noise) and then by the time I wake up properly it's kicked in and I can have a coffee straight away (around 5.45am). I've had no side effects really so I know I've been very lucky.

I wake up feeling happy that I'm slowly shrinking and keep trying different clothes on to see if I can see a difference yet. I am seeing a small difference each day as my stomach is subsiding and I look less pregnant. All my weight goes to the front of my stomach (and it's got much worse with the menopause) and it's so hard to cover up. I always envy more pear shaped people who can dress to hide their weight gain a bit more as mine has been impossible to hide.

happymumday · 06/11/2023 11:06

Hi, I'm about to start on 3mg (just had a royal mail notification that they have been delivered) I was hoping to get Ozempic but couldn't find stock anywhere. It's really useful to read all your experiences and any other tips really welcome.

LoneWolf · 06/11/2023 14:07

Good luck @happymumday - hope it all goes well. I don't really have any tips yet as only started on Thurs but it's good not to be a slave to my appetite.

Cetra06 · 06/11/2023 17:46

Hi all! I’m on day 20 of 3mg, weighed in this morning and have lost 3.8kg/8ish lbs. My thoughts are:

  • Obsession with food has dramatically reduced. I can easily miss a meal and hardly any snacking
  • i throw up/ get nauseas when I eat ‘bad food’ like takeout
  • I feel ready to start 7mg I don’t think I have the FULL appetite suppression.
  • need to incorporate walking/light exercise.

KayliDzhener · 06/11/2023 18:35

Well done Cetra. I'm the same as you re throwing up. Fatty food and alcohol are my triggers, although today it was picking up dog poo. I'm very billious today, just having a restorative lentil soup.

RachelGreensHair · 06/11/2023 23:59

I have such a headache today and feel so tired - is this normal? Am only on day 3.
Came home from office and into a deep sleep at 5pm! Can't figure out if it's stress from work or the tablets. Also ate 1600 calories today :( hey ho, tomorrow is another day, and am working from home so less chance of grabbing a Greggs whilst at the train station like today!

LoneWolf · 07/11/2023 05:41

@RachelGreensHair sorry to hear you're feeling so awful. From what I've read on this and other threads it's quite common to feel like that. And 1600 calories isn't too bad - it's still a deficit for most people. I hope you have a better day today.

Day 7 for me today and tomorrow is my weigh in day. Clothes are slightly looser and my face is less bloated. I have a work lunch today though so that will need navigating carefully as don't want to eat loads for the sake of it!

KayliDzhener · 07/11/2023 07:24

Hi Rachel, I was really lucky that I started whilst unemployed and yes I slept a lot. I was having afternoon naps that were 4 hours long and then going to bed for the night around 8pm and sleeping till about 5am. It was only for the first month but would have not been possible were I working. It does get better.

happymumday · 07/11/2023 08:22

Well first tablet down the hatch at 5:45 this morning. I took it with a very small amount of water but it felt like it got a bit stuck on the way down. I'm strangely excited to have made a first positive step though. Fingers crossed!

CrystalVision · 07/11/2023 09:38

I was very tired too. Same as @KayliDzhener naps in the afternoon and in bed by 8pm. I put it down to lower blood sugar

ElsaMars · 07/11/2023 13:06

I wondered if blood sugars have been a factor with my sudden fatigue. Generally do seem to have a bit more energy overall though. I'm on day 6 of 3mg and already v worried that Rybelsus in any dosage seems to be out of stock everywhere, eek! Also just managed to eat 2 pasties, I know, I know.

RachelGreensHair · 07/11/2023 14:40

Maybe vitamins or Iron tablets might help with fatigue? I'm gonna try.
My tummy is dodgy today, sorry TMI!!

LoneWolf · 08/11/2023 11:01

How's everyone doing today? Hope you're feeling better @RachelGreensHair ?
I'm at the end of week 1 and feeling good although I had a bad day yesterday due to being disorganised and trying to fit in too much so ended up eating more than planned and having wine which made me eat crisps!

So I'm postponing my weigh in for a week as I know I'm losing due to my clothes but don't want one day of eating badly to ruin it so will give it a week to level back out.

The tablet is still suppressing my appetite nicely and I've learnt a lesson about not drinking on a very empty stomach as it leads to a binge.

Hoping the current supply problems I'm reading about won't affect my next delivery especially as I see on other threads that ozempic users are considering rybelsus as an alternative if they can't get their pens.

KayliDzhener · 08/11/2023 13:41

I have 5 weeks supply so hopefully they will sort out the DELAYS. I have had low level nausea all week which is horrible. I think it is linked to my HRT which I take from 1st of the month for 14 days, looking at my data that's the days when I am sick and have nausea. I'm will see if 14th June to the end gets better and then I will know for sure. Lost another 3lb this week so nearly 3 stone in 3 months which was my aim. I'm more than half way to my first goal of 13 stone 7 and I use Nutracheck to track and the date it thinks I will get there has moved from November to the end of September which is encouraging.

RachelGreensHair · 08/11/2023 14:17

Thank you @LoneWolf, I've started my periods today to add to the fun, not sure if lack of appetite is due to the tablets or cos I'm not feeling well. Hope the tablet delays are sorted :/

Cetra06 · 08/11/2023 18:47

I don’t know if I have been under a rock but I tried to re order my month 2 of Rybelsus and it’s not available on Safe Meds which is where I got my month 1 from. I am in complete panic now. Has anyone ordered Rybelsus recently?

KayliDzhener · 08/11/2023 18:53

I ordered two weeks ago, no mention of shortages

LoneWolf · 08/11/2023 20:10

I really hope there are no shortages when my next delivery is due! I've had a better day today - much calmer. I just wish I'd started doing this sooner as I'd be in much better shape for summer.

I got out all my old summer dresses today and hopefully in a few weeks I'll be wearing some of my favourites from last summer.