Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

ElsaMars · 03/11/2023 13:56

Hello all, little update, I'm on day 3 of 3mg dose and definitely lost my appetite. What's weird is I still want to eat, just because, however I'm not doing it because my stomach feels full - obvious I know.
I think I will struggle with that as I love food and dont need to be particularly hungry to want it, cake, chocolate etc, so we'll see how that goes with the psychological part!
I drank 3 wines last night and no nausea so far but feel a bit bloated and bleurgh.

KayliDzhener · 03/11/2023 14:10

Glad your feeling well. I could easily not eat for three days I think, it just doesn't occur to me now. Then I might get ravenous. I made a BLT and ate half then another half about 2 hours later today. That will be it for me I think, although my oh is making his famous salt and pepper chicken tonight 😁 so I might have some. I follow fast 800 but trying not to sound like a Mumsnet competitive underwater I can't eat that much food most days.

Madonna · 03/11/2023 16:19

I find that it makes me feel ill if I don't eat and drink enough though.

LoneWolf · 03/11/2023 17:49

I'm still eating but it's far more controlled which feels great. Usually food is my top priority but the last couple of days it hasn't been and I haven't been snacking either. I tend to need caffeine first thing too so I've been taking my tablet with a bit of diet coke and it still seems to work and that keeps me going until I can have a coffee.

KayliDzhener · 03/11/2023 18:05

Madonna · 03/11/2023 16:19

I find that it makes me feel ill if I don't eat and drink enough though.

Yes me too. Although enough had changed from 4 pieces of toast dripping in butter and PNB to 2 slices with a scrape of Philadelphia and mermite with a tomato sliced on top.

RubyRed · 03/11/2023 18:36

I’m on my first day of 7mg and was definitely ready for an increased dose as my appetite has returned in the past week. Not fully, but I could easily have eaten too much.

I am horribly constipated though, despite trying to eat enough vegetables and pulses and drinking litres of water.

LoneWolf · 03/11/2023 19:25

Have you tried glycerol suppositories for constipation @RubyRed - one of those after a strong coffee and it sorts everything out!

KayliDzhener · 03/11/2023 20:00

Oh that's rough, I go about once every 10 days but I'm not constipated thank god, that's so painful.

RubyRed · 03/11/2023 21:13

@LoneWolf thank you, that sounds suitably drastic.

@KayliDzhener the infrequency I can cope with, it’s the cramps that are awful. I will probably have my best weight loss week over when I finally go.

KayliDzhener · 03/11/2023 21:48

Yes same here I have suffered with constipation and it's 😞

MaryCruz · 03/11/2023 23:09

KayliDzhener · 03/11/2023 20:00

Oh that's rough, I go about once every 10 days but I'm not constipated thank god, that's so painful.

10? Days?????

LoneWolf · 04/11/2023 07:01

How's everyone doing today? I have a day where there will be no pressure on me to eat big meals with other people which is good as the last couple of days I've had social events where I've had to eat more than I wanted as it would have looked odd if I'd sat at the table with next to no food. I still ate much less than normal but I would have been satisfied with half of what I ate.

I woke up in the night and took my tablet then so when I woke up properly this morning I was able to have a coffee immediately and I think I'll try and do that every night as I'm usually up to go to the loo around 3am. I didn't have heartburn which I thought I might if I was laying down.

Again my stomach seems to have subsided a bit overnight and I feel less bloated but will see what the scales say on Thursday.

I still feel really excited about having a life where I'm not completely ruled by my appetite. My husband has always been able to take or leave food whereas I (used to) become frantic when hungry and start to panic.

ElsaMars · 04/11/2023 20:23

I'm on day 4 of 3mg and I'm finding the feeling of not really being hungry so odd! I feel a bit restless if that makes sense? I had a lot less for my evening meal, small jacket potato, Greek salad, corn on the cob and I would normally be itching to eat by now. I did have a small piece of brownie my daughter made after though. Hoping I've bypassed the nausea but you never know, especially with 7mg.

KayliDzhener · 04/11/2023 20:29

I think it takes a bit longer to build up in your system but 3mg gave me no side effects. 🤞 It lasts.

RachelGreensHair · 04/11/2023 23:43

First day today, no sign effects eventhough I went back to bed after taking my tablet! Had a birthday meal out at lunch today, ate fine, avoided the dessert. Didn't feel too hungry in the evening so had a mug of Bouillon and then later a blueberry yoghurt.

RachelGreensHair · 04/11/2023 23:46

I've also started a written journal, I've made myself these goals all based on Dr Chatterjee's book, the goals are:

  • relaxing moments
  • healthy eating
  • move more
  • sleep better

The journal is me writing my thoughts on how these are going and making sure I do add in the moments and celebrate the smaller stuff like not eating lunch at my desk and going for a walk :) is anyone else writing about their journey?

LoneWolf · 05/11/2023 06:34

@RachelGreensHair I think this thread will be my journal. I'm also aiming to move more which will be easier when I'm a bit lighter. I have a charity walk planned for later in the year and I'm hoping that losing weight will help me keep up with the friends I'm doing it with as they are much faster walkers than me - especially up hills.

Feeling good this morning as instead of pigging out all weekend I've eaten very modestly and I'm going to try on a couple of dresses for work that are normally very snug. I know I'm only 5 days in but hoping it's made a bit of a difference.

KayliDzhener · 05/11/2023 08:21

Good luck with the dresses, I got tummy ache yesterday feeling my trousers were a bit tight, elasticated waist summer culottes. When I took them off I checked the size as they are very old. 14 no wonder they were tight. I was in a 20 two months ago. That gave me a little boost. Another pound off over the weekend. Living the non food goals.

MaryCruz · 05/11/2023 09:51

so i did a quick calculation, and I am now on week 11
I have lost 8.8lbs overall, but appetite did not decrease until last week? trying to remember,

I struggle to finish meals (YES!!!) so am eating less, the issue is, I am still snacking a bit so need to knock that on the head sharpish, but we are on our way

KayliDzhener · 05/11/2023 13:27

Awesome I can't wait to get under 200lb, I was quite happy at that weight, just before lockdown then it all went downhill 😭😞

NaturalBlondeYeahRight · 05/11/2023 15:04

Has anyone ordered in the last few days? Everywhere seems to be out of stock.

LoneWolf · 05/11/2023 15:22

@MaryCruz glad things are now moving in the right direction for you. Well done for the weight loss so far. @NaturalBlondeYeahRight that’s worrying - I really hope they get some stock soon. I’d be gutted if I had found something that worked for me only to discover I couldn’t get it again ☹️.
Well my work dresses were all still very snug but ever so slightly less snug than last week so I’ll take that!

RubyRed · 05/11/2023 15:55

@NaturalBlondeYeahRight my order as delivered on Friday from Safe Meds, that is really worrying if they are now out of stock.

I am on day four of 7mg and my stomach is very sore, however this might be down to the supplements I took at the weekend to ease my constipation which have gone the other way.

LoneWolf · 05/11/2023 17:55

I managed to pass two co-ops, a petrol station, a chip shop and kebab van on the way home from work without stopping for snacks. I have a 40 minute drive home from work and am always too hungry to wait until dinner so I usually get a magnum ice lolly or some chips or a bar of chocolate to keep me going. Tonight I resisted. It's hard to describe how I felt - I would have still definitely liked to have had something but it didn't seem as important as normal and I didn't have the panicky feeling about being hungry.