Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

CrystalVision · 14/02/2024 15:25

@Monika some of us don't have a strong reaction, just make sure you take as directed and something will happen. I don't get appetite suppression, but I can't eat large amounts or anything unhealthy or much alcohol. So it's curbed my bad habits and that has been enough for a steady weight loss. I have also seen a change in body shape due to less water weight.

Monika · 14/02/2024 15:35

Thanks @CrystalVision if you don't mind me asking how much have you lost and how long did it take ?

CrystalVision · 14/02/2024 15:49

I had a 6 week target of 16lbs which I just about managed. The next target was the final 7lbs in 4 weeks which I didn't manage although my body shape kept improving and I got slimmer all over. It's been about 2 months trying to shift that 7lbs not sure where I am as not had any scales for nearly 4 weeks. Hopefully I am nearly there. I was only trying to lose pandemic/WFH weight of 2 stone.

CrystalVision · 14/02/2024 15:56

Oh but I did a week of 7mg then 14mg for my first 6 weeks.

Adel · 14/02/2024 18:48

I had s throwing up.day today, at a networking event at the Shard. How.embarrasimg
The food was too greasy, Thai appetisers
No more.fried food for me

Monika · 14/02/2024 19:19

I love that for you @CrystalVision I think the smaller you are the harder it is to shift the weight. I definitely feel more positive and am looking forward to moving to 7mg. I remember I did the Cambridge diet years ago, I was eating 600cal a day and still was only losing around 2-3 pounds a month but being absolutely starving the entire time.

Monika · 15/02/2024 09:23

Oh no @Adel that sounds awful! I am very nervous around rich food generally nowadays, although luckily have had limited nausea.

@Monika I have just been counting calories and trying to pay closer attention to hunger cues - hopefully 7mg will hel you out a bit more with all this! I could easily go over calories if I wasn't paying attention as there are so many hidden ones everywhere especially when eating out :/ I'm definitely not going as low as 600 though haha, I've been aiming at around 1300-1400 which is recommended for my height and weight, and been steadily losing about 1-2 pounds a week give or take (after the initial water weight drop) you will probably see similar on 7mg or 14mg - don't give up!

Monika · 15/02/2024 09:26

Thanks @Monika for your encouraging words. Starting 7mg tomorrow excited and nervous!

SilverFox · 15/02/2024 10:45

Good morning!
can I join?
took my first tablet this morning. Excited to see if it works. I’ve about 3 stone to lose - I’m only short so it’s a lot on me.
tried everything over the years. I hope this will help me make some good habits.
i’m feeling a bit rough post flu jab, so hoping I don’t have any side effects.

if anyone has any top tips about what to expect at the start, I would love to hear them.

KayliDzhener · 15/02/2024 11:51

Welcome @SilverFox you've made a great choice. I think the biggest lesson I learned is to be kind and listen to your body. I started off taking my tablet in the night, like 4am when I had to get up for a wee, but then when I said back down I had awful stomach acid and bile coming up and burning my oesophagus, which was unpleasant. Now I take it around 8am as soon as I get up, then shower get dressed etc and have my first hot drink 30 mins later, no need to eat if you aren't hungry or aren't a breakfast person. I've been really lucky and have no hunger cues at all, so I eat one meal a day, generally in the evening, but I might have a protein yoghurt around 1as my hair is falling out quite a lot. I started on 1400 calories but the food was actually making me vomit as I didn't need anything like that. I now do Fast 800 but to be honest it's usually 500 cals unless I have a chocolate bar.

I am rarely sick now, but was yesterday after eating prawn toast a spring roll and sweetcorn fritters. I can't drink alcohol anymore, it is so sour same with diet coke etc so I just have water. I was also sick after a slice of pizza in July. I can't drink coffee anymore either.

I always make too much food and a portion of pasta would last me three meals now

I hit 4 stone loss today, but I still have another 4 or 5 to go. Size 20 to big 14/ loose 16

I hoped to get there by Christmas but it's really slow now.

IronHeart · 15/02/2024 18:11

Welcome @SilverFox ! I'm 5ft 2 and have lost just over 3st since march. It's different for everyone, I echo @KayliDzhener in listen to your body. You might be just a bit queasy or have some pretty big gastric side effects. Greasy food makes it worse for a lot of people, me included, and cheese which is a big miss for me. Good luck! I think it's the best money I've ever spent.

On a different note, I've been peri for a little while and had a horrific period start, and I'm starving today! What the hell? I do normally have more calories in the 2 days before I start but nothing like the last 24 hrs. Anyone the same? Going to cut myself some slack as I'll still be under 1700 cals at the end of today but that's 5-600 more than usual?! Have been on 14 mg consistently for the last 3 weeks after experimenting missing days to make boxes last longer so don't think it's a drop in meds in my system

KayliDzhener · 15/02/2024 19:09

I'm peri too and had a really heavy bleed last month, I don't think it's related for me anyway.

SilverFox · 15/02/2024 21:42

Thanks @KayliDzhener and @IronHeart will take all of your advice on board.

Today’s been a weird one. Really busy and a bit stressful. I’m usually a stress eater. But I wasn’t hungry! Made myself have a brioche for breakfast. A sandwich for lunch and some pizza and salad for tea. But couldn’t eat much at all. I suffer from
migraines that are triggered by not eating enough, so I’m monitoring that closely.

Anecdotally, a friend has recently been on ozempic and thinks it gave her really heavy periods. I’m also peri, so who knows what causes what these days!

the best news is that it’s a Friday night and I’ve got no urge to eat loads of snacks. So I’ll call today a good start!

CrystalVision · 16/02/2024 09:56

My supplier has advised taking and extra 14mg every 3rd day to get over the plateau.

Monika · 16/02/2024 18:09

@CrystalVision oof could be costly! Still I hope it kick starts things for you!

I don't think if it's my period or the 7mg starting to kick in now, but I'm suddenly struggling to make over 1000 cals a day! (am having to force protein shakes to get over 1000)
Just crazy how much my previously insatiable appetite has changed. It is still a bit worrying when I can't make over 1000 though.

SilverFox · 17/02/2024 19:38

Just checking in!

my appetite is definitely decreased! I’ve been hungover today and would usually eat my way through it, but I hardly fancy anything. And I didn’t fancy snacks with my drinks last night! Very unusual for me!

Interested to see how it goes for me this week. Eldest is off to uni and I’m usually an emotional eater! This will put it to the test!

how often do people weigh themselves? I’ve not started yet. Was thinking maybe every 3 days.

KayliDzhener · 18/02/2024 08:39

I weigh daily, just always been how I do it. Naked after my first wee of the day. I don't record it daily though, only when it's changed

CrystalVision · 18/02/2024 11:47

I am the same. While the kettle boils first thing. I just look for the trend rather than stress with daily fluctuations. If your weighing day is unusually high day then you might be disappointed. Its individual though some people get disheartened by lack of progress every day

Monika · 18/02/2024 12:18

Hi there, I thought I would give a little update, in case anyone in interested. As you know I had 0 change on the 3mg, I've now been on the 7mg for the third day and it is life changing.

The food noise has stopped, no sickness or nausea just not feeling hungry at all. It's amazing. I've had no cravings for fried or sugary foods at all and I started my period yesterday and when that happens, I am ravenous and all I want is chocolate.

Feeling really excited and positive, I know it's a long journey but it feels like it's going to be so much easier without the constant urge to eat for the sake of eating.

KayliDzhener · 18/02/2024 16:12

Great news @Monika

SilverFox · 18/02/2024 21:38

That’s great funny hat.

i’ve felt quite nauseous today. And generally not great. Hoping it’s something that will pass.

RubyRed · 18/02/2024 22:06

@Monika that is great news, the feeling of positivity is amazing when it kicks in.

@SilverFox I really hope you feel soon. Eating very little and often worked for me, I lived off Aldi’s salt and vinegar rice crackers when I first started.

I am now so close to 3 stone loss but just need the scales to move a teeny bit more. I’m another daily weigher, it definitely works better for me that way as my weight fluctuates so much. I just focus on the lowest number getting lower and ignore the water induced overnight increases.

Monika · 18/02/2024 22:42

@SilverFox feel better soon!
@Monika it's great isn't it! Feel in control for once in my life!

I weight about once a week but skip with my period as it skews the numbers. Also will only weigh in the morning if I've done a BM first as the meds make me stuffed up more often than not these days, and can fluctuate the weight.

LoneWolf · 21/02/2024 08:29

Hi sorry to have been AWOL for a while. Life got busy and I got ill (I think I had covid but only had a couple of old tests that showed up negative but had the worst symptoms for about three weeks).

Welcome to the new starters and hello to the regulars. I've enjoyed catching up with the thread and finding out how you're all doing.

Anyway I have been a bit hit and miss with taking the rybelsus lately but got on the scales today to see I'd lost a few pounds which cheered me up no end as I haven't been trying at all. Excited to try on my favourite jeans as it's been a few years since I wore them and I'm hoping they fit now.

I'm just a couple of pounds from my target weight now and will probably just take rybelsus a couple of times a week to help maintain. Well that's the plan, obviously if the hunger comes back with a vengeance I may have to rethink! I have a bit of a stash of tablets as I always halved them due to the full dose giving my awful headaches so won't need to buy any for a while which is good!