Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

LanaRay · 26/12/2023 21:33

That’s good news @KayliDzhener phew!

LoneWolf · 27/12/2023 08:27

Glad everyone is still managing to get their meds ok - let's hope it continues. One thing this has been great for is getting my sugar cravings under control and also feel less inclined to drink.

Monika · 27/12/2023 08:31

Managed to order some Rybelsus. According to royal mail the package is on the way, due tomorrow. Looks like there is some 3mg left if anybody is interested:


Monika · 27/12/2023 20:05

My rightangled order arrived today 💪 looks like my journey isn't over quite yet!

Cetra06 · 27/12/2023 22:58

Hi everyone,

manual has ran out of stock, I was due to go up to 14mg in the next week. They’ve offered me trulicity $169 or ozempic $250 instead. Has anyone heard of trulicity?

Monika · 28/12/2023 00:02

I know Trulicity isn't as effective as Ozempic, but still used for weight loss. It's in the same class of drugs as Ozempic, GLP-1s.

"Those given the starting doses of Ozempic showed more weight loss, losing an average of about 14 pounds compared to about 6 pounds with the 1.5 mg dose of Trulicity. Those on Ozempic lost more than twice the weight as those on Trulicity. 

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t lose that much weight with Trulicity. In a randomized clinical trial published in Diabetes Care in 2021, participants with an average body mass index (BMI) of 34 were given weekly doses of dulaglutide (Trulicity) at 0.5 mg, 3 mg, or 4.5 mg. When weighed at 36 weeks, those receiving the highest weekly dosage lost an average of about 10 pounds, depending on their BMI."

CrystalVision · 28/12/2023 06:02

I haven't had a dispatch notice again so I assume mine isn't coming. I would be a miracle if they had 14mg. But at least customer service has been good.

LoneWolf · 28/12/2023 06:08

I assumed places would run out of ozempic before rybelsus so it's interesting that manual are offering that instead. @Cetra06 did they not offer you a lower dosage of rybelsus like 3mg or 7mg or are they out completely?

@Monika so pleased you managed to source some more.

I've seen on other threads that people are saying that there will be a few "coming off ozempic" threads starting now as suppliers start running out of stock.

Trulicity sounds like an interesting option so I'm going to have a read up on that.

NotABeliever · 28/12/2023 07:46

What about Saxenda as a replacement? Is it any good?

Williams · 28/12/2023 10:16

sorry for joining the thread so late, and when many people are having to come off rybelsus!
I was on ozempic for 5 months and had to stop due to the shortage. I had 6 weeks on my own and struggled a bit so I looked to try rybelsus. I got a month of 14mg from pilldoctor for $180 but immediately after they announced they are putting the price up so it will be a one off month I guess!
I've taken my 3rd dose and feel nothing yet. It's very different to ozempic which takes effect within 24 hours if the jab. Is that a common experience? How did people find it, especially at first?

CrystalVision · 28/12/2023 11:48

@Williams it does take longer to build up in your system. It's different for different people. For me it's about 2 weeks, but it took about 2 weeks to wear off when I stopped. So you will get about a month out of it. Not sure what difference having residual ozempic in your system will make. I would have thought it would work more quickly but that's a compete guess.

Williams · 28/12/2023 11:57

the ozempic feels like it's very gone - it's actually been 2 months almost since I stopped. I gained 2/3 lbs in that time so need to get a handle on myself again.

CrystalVision · 28/12/2023 12:35

At present we are still waiting on our supplier to send the Rybelsus 14mg . We will email you for a delivery date as soon as that happens.
So not quite a none, just none yet. Really annoying as I checked stock before ordering so they didn't hold money indefinitely. I am going to give it a week then as for a refund.

Monika · 31/12/2023 07:57

So far I am just over a month in and down 10 poundsish (woop!)

I just attempted to move up to 7mg over the weekend and finally started experiencing the extreme nausea, sulphur burps etc. It was actually so off-putting I didn't take any meds the next day, the thought of it was vomit inducing!

I can see how people have extreme weight drops now on the drug as I was stuffed (like Christmas dinner stuffed) on 800cals for the day, and feeling nauseous all around that. Usually I have been aiming for about 1300-1400 on 3mg.

Possible TMI warning - I had some chicken bits for some extra protein at dinner time as I heard protein will help the nausea...the following morning I woke up and burped and could feel/taste the chicken bits still intact, coming up 🤢 I have read about delayed stomach emptying and I have been feeling the difference just on 3mg, but this was another thing entirely!

On some advice I am planning to split the 7mg for the time being, I have been advised and read online that the meds will still be affective this way, and so far they seem to be working the same when split previously

KayliDzhener · 31/12/2023 08:04

Well done on the weightloss. The side effects are quite revolting aren't they. I've maintained this month, two weeks of jury service and eating a Greggs pasty everyday put me over 800 cals so I will be careful again this month. Had a throwing up day yesterday which is the first time for a couple of months.

Honeyandwine · 31/12/2023 09:03

Hello, I'm down over a stone now but since moving to 7mg am also suffering with the symptoms. Gross burps, lots of nausea and sickness. Does it settle down eventually?

LanaRay · 31/12/2023 09:42

@Monika I was so poorly on 7mg at the start! Took about a week. Occasionally if I’ve had bad food day and over indulged I will throw up like @KayliDzhener did! Very rare now though. My current issues are (tmi alert) terrible constipation to the point of a bit of blood loss 😵‍💫 and I’m beginning to wonder if I’m losing a bit of hair!?! 😬 How’s everyone got on with supply? My Numans dispatch isn’t until 9Th Aug and I wonder if I’ll get it!

IronHeart · 31/12/2023 12:49

@LanaRay I think I'm losing hair as well, I'm going to order some biotin today as pp have said it helps.

My Numan despatch is the 10th, so we'll both see if anything turns up.

KayliDzhener · 31/12/2023 12:53

Oh I've been losing hair for a few months now, it's very common with very low calorie diets, it does grow back. I lost hair on Cambridge and keto too. It looks scary but it comes back eventually.

LanaRay · 31/12/2023 13:15

I will check those supplements out @IronHeart thanks. That’s also good to know @KayliDzhener I’ve not got bald patches but just thought every time I brush now quite a lot comes out. I’m super hungry at the moment which feels odd but I’m trying not to be tempted with junk! I wonder if it’s the crap weather, I’ve always found it easier to be good in hot sunny weather!

NotABeliever · 31/12/2023 14:05

I got the email other people had from Numan. It also says that Rybelsus is going up in price to $249 but I don't know if this is from my next delivery or the one after. The message is not clear

"Your dosage and bill price will change
As you are established on medication, we have prioritised you for continued treatment with our current supply, and we can deliver you a dose of Rybelsus 7mg to be taken once daily for your next dose. This is lower than your scheduled dose of 14mg, but it should still have a suppressive effect on your appetite and help you achieve a healthier weight.
Due to the increased wholesale price of all GLP-1 medications since this note, we have made the difficult decision that to make it possible for us to source medication at the new, higher prices we're increasing your monthly price to $249
Actions you can take
If you do not wish to go ahead with treatment at the lower dose, we will pause your deliveries.
This regulatory notice is likely to be in place for the foreseeable future and could affect the supply of your medication on an ongoing basis. It is also possible that prices will increase in the future as supply becomes more constrained. For now, however, your next month of treatment is available to you at your usual price.

IronHeart · 31/12/2023 14:06

I've just had an email from Numan saying they will be sending lower dose 7mg for increased price of $249, and that going forward they can't guarantee they will be able to deliver, so will be in contact on month by month basis.

They are offering coaching and alternatives such as orlistat which I've got no interest in.

I'm going to have to make some cuts to afford it this month, and would think prices will rise again as it becomes harder to source.

Feels a bit bleak at the minute to be honest, but also I know I should feel lucky as I realise some people have already run out with no alternative supply.

NotABeliever · 31/12/2023 14:29

Orlistat is just awful. Doesn't work for me at all, it actually inhibits weight loss for me and I can't stand having to count the grams of fat content of everything I eat or else...you know what!

Williams · 31/12/2023 17:12

I can't see any point in anyone paying $250 for 7mg rybelsus :( it's not even a therapeutic dose. It's a very expensive placebo. This sucks