Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

Monika · 24/12/2023 19:17

@LanaRay where did you find it in the end?

LanaRay · 24/12/2023 19:36

@Monika from Safe Meds, think I got lucky as can’t see any on their website now but only had a quick look

KayliDzhener · 24/12/2023 21:14

This week, the UK Government issued a regulatory notice regarding severe global shortages of GLP-1 receptor agonist medications.
What does this mean?
This notice means that medications including Ozempic, Rybelsus and Saxenda must be prioritised for diabetic patients. As a result, it will now become more difficult to source your medication for weight loss treatment, and we can't guarantee supply of your future doses.
Your next dosage may be lower than planned
As you are established on medication, we have prioritised you for continued treatment with our current supply, and we can deliver you a dose of Rybelsus 7mg to be taken once daily for your next dose. This is lower than your scheduled dose of 14mg, but it should still have a suppressive effect on your appetite and help you achieve a healthier weight.
Actions you can take
If you do not wish to go ahead with treatment at the lower dose, we will pause your deliveries.
This regulatory notice is likely to be in place for the foreseeable future and could affect the supply of your medication on an ongoing basis. It is also possible that prices will increase in the future as supply becomes more constrained. For now, however, your next month of treatment is available to you at your usual price.
To pause your treatment simply reply to this email before Tuesday 25 July with “Pause”, and we’ll put your treatment on hold before your next delivery.
Our message to you
The global landscape has been challenging for some months now, both in terms of securing reliable supply of these medications and now with these Government restrictions in place. We understand how frustrating this must be, and we share in that frustration.
As ever, support is on hand, and your dedicated health coach is at your disposal for motivation and advice during this period and beyond.
We will keep you posted on any changes to the situation, in particular the anticipated launch of medications specifically for weight loss.
We're here to help
If you have any questions, we're here to help – just reply to this email and we'll respond to you as a matter of priority.
Kind regards,

KayliDzhener · 24/12/2023 21:14

Tldr only 7mg is available for FORESEEABLE future

NotABeliever · 24/12/2023 22:41

@KayliDzhener which website sent you that message?

Starryeyes17 · 24/12/2023 23:59

I seem to be choosing the worst time to try and start this!!

LanaRay · 25/12/2023 03:11

@KayliDzhener is that Numan and did they send the 7mg? Will you go down to 7 mg? Gosh this isn’t what I wanted to hear!

Jinglybangly · 25/12/2023 06:35

@KayliDzhener sorry but your tldr isn't what that message says. It says they can get you 7mg this time (probably from their existing stock). But the regulatory notice is in force for the foreseeable future, meaning private companies are unlikely to be able to source any GLP-1 receptor agonist medications until mid 2024 when supplies are expected to stabilise.

LoneWolf · 25/12/2023 07:12

Well this isn't good news to wake up to. I have enough to keep me going for quite a while as I've been taking a reduced dose by breaking the tablets in half due to the migraines I kept getting.

I may also go to every other day and see how that works out. What are others planning to do? I just feel lucky I got some tablets before this came into effect and lost a few kilos which has enabled me to exercise a bit more. My next delivery is due next week and I've been reassured that it's on it's way but I'm assuming that could be my last for quite a while.

LanaRay · 25/12/2023 07:52

@LoneWolf not sure, I knew I couldn’t stay on this for ever so had to sort my eating. I do find I way way healthier on the tablets but when I’ve missed a few noticed I started to want to eat rubbish again so I guess it’s about being super strict on that. I started March and have lost about 35 pounds but I have another 10 pounds to target. Hoping I can achieve that on the remaining tablets (though I’m going to continue daily with them as feel that works best for me). There was something higher up in the chat someone mentioned so I’m going to look at ordering that too. I’m on 7mg and if Numan offered me 3mg I don’t know if I’d order it tbh. Hope you get your next delivery 🤞🏻

KayliDzhener · 25/12/2023 08:03

@Jinglybangly I think we are different personalities as I read it as I will be fine as an established customer.

Yes it's from Numan and I am happy with 7mg, if you remember back a few months I was happy to stick at 7mg but bloody Safe Meds made me up the dose which made me quite poorly.

We can only see month by month what will happen and as intelligent resourceful people we will find our way. For me my brain is stronger than my stomach rumbling and now I know how little food I need to survive I think I can do it myself.

Jinglybangly · 25/12/2023 08:17

@KayliDzhener you have misread it. They can only give you a 7mg dose because they have already run out of 14mg (although it doesn't explicitly say this). When they run out of 7mg and 3mg they won't be able to get any more because it had been restricted to diabetic patients only.

It is good that you feel able to manage without the meds now. You need to be realistic that this will be your last month unless you can get it prescribed and even then supplies are still low nationally.

LoneWolf · 25/12/2023 08:49

@Jinglybangly are you sure about this? Some suppliers still seem to have stocks. Will all these private meds companies go out of business now as how will they pay all of their advisors if they are not getting the revenue from private prescriptions?

Monika · 25/12/2023 09:02

@LoneWolf it looks like a lot of places are moving over to Orlistat and Saxenda (still shortages in this one but less so I believe?) But I'm sure it'll have a massive hit on their earnings certainly. Not much to be done if the government has created new rulings around it.

Honestly in despair 😞 I will continue my calorie controlled eating until supplies return to normal, but I do worry it's going to become a lot harder to stick to it. I've been feeling SO happy and empowered since I've started, feels like a lot of my negative emotions have been levelled out as a side effect (or maybe I'm just happy due to results and healthier eating?).

I've also emailed Numan to try and ensure they will be sending me at least a 7mg, but we shall have to see.

Monika · 25/12/2023 09:03

Also @LoneWolf where are you seeing stock? Everywhere I look there is nothing available, or only available to current members 😞

Jinglybangly · 25/12/2023 09:36

LoneWolf · 25/12/2023 08:49

@Jinglybangly are you sure about this? Some suppliers still seem to have stocks. Will all these private meds companies go out of business now as how will they pay all of their advisors if they are not getting the revenue from private prescriptions?

Yes I'm sure. Nova Nordisk have said demand has massively outstripped supply and they are unable to keep up.

Most private med companies provide more than just Semaglutide so I imagine they will be fine and when the supply matches demand next year they will be able to sell it again.

The private companies currently seem to be selling their last packets to current customers. I would predict that after they have sent out this months promised dose they will email all customers and say they can continue with the medication but they can only have X dose and it will cost $$$$. After that they will have none left and will be unable to get hold of more.

Obviously as people are unable to get hold of Rybelsus and Ozempic they have tried to get hold of alternatives like Saxenda which is now also in short supply. Wegovy was never released in the UK because of the shortages.

Hopefully people will be sensible when purchasing their medication. It is likely that fake pills will become available in convincing packaging and people will buy them from convincing looking websites because they are desperate.

LoneWolf · 25/12/2023 10:07

@Jinglybangly thanks for all that useful information. Also thanks for the warning re fake tablets - that is something I hadn't considered and so I will be mindful of that.

@Monika I am getting mine from Manual and my delivery is due next week. I expect they are only supplying existing customers though but might be worth having a look. I think their website puts a few people off as it looks like they only supply to men at first glance - it certainly confused me at first.

CrystalVision · 25/12/2023 10:47

I am waiting to hear from my supplier. I checked they had stock before ordering but delayed delivery until I would be home, but they delayed prescribing not posting and now don't have stock and possibly can't prescribe...grrrr however if I have to come off might as well come off now and save the $440

Monika · 25/12/2023 11:08

@CrystalVision how frustrating, keep messaging them and put the pressure on.

Some good news from my side (needed to cheer myself up after supply issues), I am nearly done with my first month and down 9 pounds! I can hugely feel the difference, tight jeans are now baggy and previously tight t-shirts are baggy! The challenge will now be trying to maintain and lose without the meds.

LoneWolf · 25/12/2023 11:20

@Monika can you pm me - I tried to pm you but it wouldn't work.

Monika · 25/12/2023 11:31

@LoneWolf pm'd you but not sure if it worked!

Fyi for other Numan folks, I just got a message from Numan saying they currently are not experiencing shortages of 7mg Rybelsus so order will be dispatched as planned. Hopefully have another month of this now!

LanaRay · 25/12/2023 13:24

@Monika that’s good re Numan though mine aren’t due for another 2.5 weeks I think. Not sure how hopeful I am they’ll have it by then though

CrystalVision · 25/12/2023 14:20

So my delivery is arranged for Thursday. Not sure if that is dispatched or delivered but 2 x 14mg

CrystalVision · 25/12/2023 14:31

Although after all the confusion to get it delayed so I would be home, I still won't be. But that has happened before and I collected from post office.