Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

KayliDzhener · 12/12/2023 21:05

I find alcohol tastes like vinegar now so haven't had a drink for a few months. Whennindidbhave a glass of gin and tonic I was ill for several days, then I tried champagne and one sip was enough to send me heaving.

RubyRed · 12/12/2023 21:54

Did anyone else feel very different once they moved to 14mg? I’m nearly two weeks into the higher dose and on the one hand I’ve got no stomach pains, no constipation and I don’t have an obvious feeling of fullness. On the other hand, I’m feeling satisfied rather than full, not eating any more and still losing weight. Maybe I’ve just settled into the medication and what I thought of as the medication working was actually adverse side effects?

ElsaMars · 13/12/2023 10:57

I feel fine drinking, have 2 or 3 wines most Fri and Sat nights.

Prettybubblesintheair · 13/12/2023 14:16

Where is everyone buying from? I’m struggling to find stock.

Th1sisnotadrill · 13/12/2023 18:01

Hi all, hope everyone is doing well. I'm about 4 days into the 7mg and my appetite has returned with a vengeance!! Is this normal after a dose increase? I'm worried it's no longer working and was really looking forward to shedding some weight on the first dose increase

Cetra06 · 13/12/2023 18:15

@Prettybubblesintheair i get mine from manual, I’ve just realised I have a 50% off code if anyone’s interested. I paid $169 for my second month 7mg x

Prettybubblesintheair · 13/12/2023 20:40

Cetra06 · 13/12/2023 18:15

@Prettybubblesintheair i get mine from manual, I’ve just realised I have a 50% off code if anyone’s interested. I paid $169 for my second month 7mg x

could you pm me a code please? I won’t be able to buy until payday but would love a code x

Monika · 13/12/2023 20:45

I found manual very unwilling to start me on 7mg (got first dose from daily chemist who fell through on second dose) - Numan came through but are quite a bit more pricey :(

Cetra06 · 13/12/2023 22:35

Same @Monika i had to start on the 3mg then moved up to the 7mg with them x

KayliDzhener · 14/12/2023 07:35

Manuel had no stock but they charged my CARD and I had to wait a week for a refund not a good first experience. I am signed up to several suppliers with stock alerts but no-one has anything currently.

ElsaMars · 14/12/2023 10:22

Manual would not let me buy 7mg, I offered proof of bring on 3mg, but no. Waiting on an answer from Daily chemist currently.

RachelGreensHair · 14/12/2023 20:21

@Prettybubblesintheair would love the code too please :)

RubyRed · 15/12/2023 18:13

Th1sisnotadrill · 13/12/2023 18:01

Hi all, hope everyone is doing well. I'm about 4 days into the 7mg and my appetite has returned with a vengeance!! Is this normal after a dose increase? I'm worried it's no longer working and was really looking forward to shedding some weight on the first dose increase

I feel a bit like that on the 14mg. I’m now on holiday and had a pretty big lunch, although definitely not the size of meal I would have had before. I’ve not found anything about the effects wearing off or people becoming resistant to it online so I don’t know what is going on.

I am hoping that I’ve lost sense of what a big meal is and that I only feel relatively hungry rather than normal hungry. I’m almost at the 2 stone mark so it has definitely been working until now.

LoneWolf · 17/12/2023 09:32

I have a less busy week than normal this week so I am determined to do well with my weight loss and hopefully won't have any panic eating through stress or being badly prepared.

How is everyone else doing? @RachelGreensHair are you feeling any effects yet?

My fortnightly weigh in is on Thursday so looking forward to that - especially as I have a few days to rectify the excesses of the weekend! It did involve some meals with family and friends which were lovely so I don't mind that I ate more than I should have as I think occasions like that should be enjoyed in life.

But with no social stuff on the horizon until Sunday lunch now and no major work events I have no excuse not to eat modestly!

Jinglybangly · 17/12/2023 16:30

What are people's plans given the shortages? Are you going to take them normally until you run out or start taking half a tablet or switching to every other day.

NHS have said they don't expect to be able to get hold of it until mid 2024.

KayliDzhener · 17/12/2023 18:32

I took every other day last month but only lost a few pounds so I'm back to normal taking daily otherwise it's expensive for no benefit. If I can't get any when I run out I will have to rethink. I think all of us who are paying not NHS have been ok getting hold of it albeit more expensive every month.

IronHeart · 17/12/2023 19:16

I also dosed every other day for 2 weeks and it definitely wasn't as effective and food noise was creeping back.
Must admit I am worried about running out and no supply.

LanaRay · 17/12/2023 20:01

I’ve forgotten my tablets and so have missed 4 days 🙄 I’ve eaten a burger, chips, crisps, drinking alcohol….so much food I haven’t been interested in months. Will have to see what the scales say!!

KayliDzhener · 17/12/2023 20:04

Oh no @LanaRay are you on holiday? Or can you remember tomorrow?

Jinglybangly · 17/12/2023 20:07

KayliDzhener · 17/12/2023 18:32

I took every other day last month but only lost a few pounds so I'm back to normal taking daily otherwise it's expensive for no benefit. If I can't get any when I run out I will have to rethink. I think all of us who are paying not NHS have been ok getting hold of it albeit more expensive every month.

I can't find it anywhere to buy in any strength. Looked yesterday and today. All sites saying not taking on new clients or out of stock.

LanaRay · 17/12/2023 21:19

@KayliDzhener back tomorrow so can start taking it again thank goodness! Does make me think even though I eat quite healthily on it, something switch when I haven’t taken it so don’t think it’s going to be easy to come off it that’s for sure! I feel bigger and bloated so defo have put weight on! Back to it tomorrow fingers crossed

LoneWolf · 17/12/2023 21:58

On the ozempic and saxenda threads everyone is complaining about lack of supply so I'm guessing some of them have moved onto rybelsus. It sounds like the shortages are set to go into 2024 too.

MaryCruz · 19/12/2023 09:36

i havent lost anything in ages!!
I have 30 days left at 14 - i'm going to break for a week (maybe 2) and then restart

I also have some orlistat, which i'll use after

LanaRay · 19/12/2023 09:58

@MaryCruz oh no that’s not good especially due to cost! What is orlistat? A different brand?

Im still on 7mg but as mentioned I’d stopped as forgot to take tablets away. Anyway started taking again yesterday but continued to eat all day as I had done the last 4/5 days (basically rubbish, cakes bacon sarnie etc) and last night in the early hours I was so unwell (awful tummy cramp followed by upset stomach and then vomiting!) that will teach me I cant eat crap on these tablets!! Back to healthy eating today and have done a gym session!