Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

CrystalVision · 05/12/2023 13:06

@Monika I felt a lot better too. More energy and strength, lighter mood and brain fog gone. My skin looked better too. My periods stopped while I was on it and two weeks off it they have started again. But at 53 they are going to be patchy. So yes I think maybe some things we thought were normal could have been blood sugar issues.

Hols79 · 05/12/2023 13:10


I have just ordered Rybelsus 3mg from Manual as I can’t get the 0.5 of Ozempic anywhere and I have to start on the lowest dose. I see some people are stocking up on the Rybelsus so you don’t run out of it, can you do that? I thought if you ordered from different websites you’d need to start on the 3mg each time? The prices have really went up so I’d like to order an extra box from somewhere if I can but preferably the 7mg if anyone could let me know. Thanks 😊

KayliDzhener · 05/12/2023 13:23

I had to send them the last prescription I had for 14mg when I changed supplier and they were fine, INFACT I just took a picture of the box with the chemist label on it.

Changedforthetoday · 06/12/2023 15:41

I can't find rybelsus anywhere. I have been prescribed it by the GP and for the past 6 months have been able to get it with maybe at most a day wait however I am waiting for 2.5 weeks now and I just keep getting told by the pharmacy they can't get it in stock anywhere.
Where are people getting their rybelsus from?

KayliDzhener · 06/12/2023 21:57

Private prescription from Numans for me, but there is worldwide shortage

Monika · 06/12/2023 22:02

Noticed I am hiccuping quite a lot more recently, anybody else noticing this from Rybelsus?

Cetra06 · 06/12/2023 22:17

@Monika i got mine from manual however they started me from 3mg, currently waiting for my 7mg re order. Paid for it today, so expecting it soon.

Monika · 07/12/2023 08:40

Already struggling to find a 7mg dose anywhere, I got my 3mg from daily chemist (didn't know any better) and am now stuck in clinical queue for god knows how long! I also tried manual but they want me to continue on the 3mg for another month which is a bit of a waste of money for me. Any other leads? Numan sounds a bit more helpful maybe?

MaryCruz · 07/12/2023 15:31

just had a kitkat and packet of crisps..... have been on 14 every day, and i think its stopped working

KayliDzhener · 07/12/2023 16:06

Monika · 06/12/2023 22:02

Noticed I am hiccuping quite a lot more recently, anybody else noticing this from Rybelsus?

Yes I hiccup all the time

KayliDzhener · 07/12/2023 16:07

I think the lovely weather makes some of us hungrier.

KayliDzhener · 07/12/2023 16:09

I found Manuel useless they would only prescribe 3ng then they said they don't have any anyway. I think it's gonna be tough next month getting any more.

CrystalVision · 07/12/2023 16:19

MaryCruz · 07/12/2023 15:31

just had a kitkat and packet of crisps..... have been on 14 every day, and i think its stopped working

I did that too. But it was one packet and 4 squares of chocolate . Not 6 packets and a bar of chocolate.

CrystalVision · 07/12/2023 16:21

I week reduced and two weeks off. Definitely less food control. No weight gain but I feel fatter. Must be psychological

MaryCruz · 07/12/2023 17:05

CrystalVision · 07/12/2023 16:19

I did that too. But it was one packet and 4 squares of chocolate . Not 6 packets and a bar of chocolate.

hmmmm yes i did feel i had had enough (2 finger kitkat and sainsburys onion rings...)

well i have one more month to go, will keep taking

Monika · 07/12/2023 17:57

@KayliDzhener looks like I've had some luck with Numan! They have agreed to issue me the 7mg after I provided a photo of my last medication. It's a little more expensive then the other options which is maybe why they have more stock. Still hopefully I can stick with them and will have consistent medication 👍

Fyi for others in the thread, daily chemist sent me an email to say they are out of stock too (as I presumed earlier), obviously after making me wait a week!

@MaryCruz I counteracted it by eating a protein bar (my protein chocolate wafers, I'd recommend, they are gooood) and it completely satiated me. I'm starting to confuse if I'm feeling 'snacky' or just genuinely hungry, I think I was feeling snacky because I'd accidentally skipped lunch!

KayliDzhener · 07/12/2023 18:03

That's not too many calories though, I just had a magnum as it's so hot. Still have about 400 cals left for dinner. You got to have a bit of what you like.

MaryCruz · 07/12/2023 18:10

@Monika protein chocolate wafers,?? these sound good??

Cetra06 · 07/12/2023 18:28

Hey all update from me;

last week and a half my appetite has returned with a vengeance. First couple meals I felt sick and threw up but then I got used to it. I was snacking a lot and ordering takeout nightly. Was on week 6.5 at 3mg so spoke to manual and they let me order the 7mg 1.5 weeks earlier. It’s enroute to be delivered tomorrow.

advice to people on 3mg. When it’s time move up! The 3mg was working gloriously month one, then half way through month 2 it just stopped working and it’s a waste. So follow the schedule and move up I would say!

Cetra06 · 07/12/2023 18:30

Last couple days I’ve been taking 2 x 3mg but I can’t advise that. I just had to do something as my eating was out of control. It’s almost my time of month this week perhaps that played a part. Strangest thing, all that eating and I didn’t gain on the scales but feel more bloated and sluggish

Monika · 07/12/2023 18:49

@MaryCruz yes, they are myprotein chocolate wafers, about 200kcal per bar or 2x wafers, by far the best protein snack I've come across in my opinion :)

Monika · 07/12/2023 18:52

Wafers seem to be out of the chocolate one sadly but chocolate hazelnut sounds pretty good too!

LoneWolf · 07/12/2023 22:09

I fear Rybelsus will become harder to get as people who can't get ozempic or saxenda move over to the tablets. I had a new delivery last week so I'm relieved about that. I'm definitely starting to feel the benefits of the cumulative effect now I'm a few weeks in and love being so much more controlled and calm around food. I am enjoying the fact that it's not always my main priority in life any more. A friend took a photo of me today and for once I didn't mind it as I'm definitely subsiding and my face no longer resembles a football!

KayliDzhener · 07/12/2023 22:25

Well done@LoneWolf . I went out for dinner with a friend last night and was secretly horrified at the amount of food she ate. I had a slice of pizza and a falafel she had 6 slices of pizza a burger, falafel and dessert. Plus several cocktails whilst I had water, that would have been me three months ago. I didn't say anything but what a relief to be able to stop.