Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

RubyRed · 22/10/2023 11:22

Thanks @KayliDzhener I will make sure to order a few days before I run out to make sure I can get it sorted in time.

IronHeart · 22/10/2023 13:45

Been to the doctor's this morning to see if I could get an NHS prescription like a poster on one of the ozempic threads has managed to get and was told no chance basically. As my BMI is no longer over 40 and I have no co morbidities I wouldn't qualify for specialist weight management referral for surgery or ozempic either.

She said thanks for telling them I'm on Rybelsus but I'm on my own.

She was talking a lot about how I was likely to put all the weight back on once I stop taking the medication, and my reply was that I'm prepared for this to be a long term solution.

So not massively helpful, but I don't know what else I was expecting tbh.

I'm not discouraged, and will crack on. Have ordered 7mg for next month, will see if it's approved by HE as this will be my 3rd month on 7mg.

@KayliDzhener I hope you're feeling somewhat better.

MaryCruz · 22/10/2023 14:39

day 3 (?) of 14, still got my appetite.....

LanaRay · 22/10/2023 15:02

@IronHeart im about to receive my 3rd lot of 7mg on Wednesday. Will let you know but haven’t had any queries from them regarding not moving on to 14mg

CrystalVision · 22/10/2023 15:11

MaryCruz · 22/10/2023 14:39

day 3 (?) of 14, still got my appetite.....

No effects at all? I still have periods of feeling hungry but don't want to eat and other periods of not feeling hungry. Its not very strong and day 5 before I was very aware of it. Are you sure there is nothing preventing absorption?

KayliDzhener · 22/10/2023 15:23

It's weird I don't think I have lost anything in 7 days I think of 14 mg. I'm so sure I have not even weighed. I had my period this weekend and could actually eat. I had a magnum and a salted caramel mousse. On 7 mg I was full after 1 piece of toast. I felt the effects more on 7mg to be sure. I will weigh tomorrow just to see but I don't feel lighter.

IronHeart · 22/10/2023 15:42

@LanaRay just had the message saying it's shipped so HE have approved it. Wonder why other posters have had problems?

@KayliDzhener you might be surprised re weigh in, I was on last week and felt huge but still managed to drop a kilo.

RachelGreensHair · 22/10/2023 19:20

Does anyone know what the minimum BMI is to be prescribed the tablets please.

MaryCruz · 22/10/2023 19:22

CrystalVision · 22/10/2023 15:11

No effects at all? I still have periods of feeling hungry but don't want to eat and other periods of not feeling hungry. Its not very strong and day 5 before I was very aware of it. Are you sure there is nothing preventing absorption?

no idea - i'm doing the tablet first thing in the morning, 2 mouthfuls of water... nothing for 45 mins after taking it

CrystalVision · 23/10/2023 12:46

@MaryCruz ?fingers crossed for something soon then. My response is mild but like you I have bought them now so I will keep on going.

IceCreamWoes · 24/10/2023 10:19

Has anyone just stayed on 3mg instead of going to 7mg?

RubyRed · 28/10/2023 18:18

I have 6 days left of 3mg and my appetite has come back, I am definitely ready to move up a dose.

Kristin · 28/10/2023 23:16

I took 3mg for about 7 days then was not well (completely unrelated) so stopped it for a couple of weeks then restarted. Now about 10 days in since my restart and think it is reducing my appetite a bit. I'm trying to use it as a way to focus on my eating and thinking around food so fingers crossed it'll work.
I have a weeks holiday booked around the time I would be due to go up to 7mg so I am wondering about sticking with 3mg rather than risk side effects.
Having said that, I am considering switching to injectable as I find the tablet a bit hard to swallow, I always get a bitter taste and sometimes a bit of warmth/indigestion afterwards. Anyone else find that?

KayliDzhener · 29/10/2023 08:34

Yes it's one of the common side effects.

I couldn't inject but each to their own.

Quick update. I have been on 14mg now for 14 days and lost a measly 2lb but that has tipped me over the 2 stone mark. Other than the documented side effects I have been fine. It has definitely slowed right down weightloss wise though and I am still sticking to 800 cals, often only half that so all the nonsense calories in calories out folk spout is definitely not true for me.

Hope everyone is doing well.

RubyRed · 29/10/2023 12:19

@KayliDzhener it definitely isn’t as simple as some people make it out to be. I’ve been reading about omega 6 vs. omega 3 and how too much omega 6 can make our bodies resistant to losing weight.

Do you feel that your clothes are looser, even if the scales aren’t moving?

KayliDzhener · 29/10/2023 13:26

Well I've lost 30lbs in 74 days so I have that to get used to. The last two weeks was probably establishing a reset point. I've done this a few times so I try not to get disheartened by plateaus. To answer your question, I never feel empty so I don't feel lighter and I don't have anything tight that feels looser.

CrystalVision · 29/10/2023 13:27

I am finding the weight loss on this is very different. Nothing happened on the scales for ages although stomach and waist got smaller. Then 7lbs in a week. Then the weight seemed to redistribute itself and my legs are slimmer but waist bigger, and I have always have chunky legs resistant to all diets. I can wear knee boots now.!!! But bum and thighs no change. My weight hasn't budged maybe gone up but my clothes are looser and i seem to be gaining muscle. I have put in a determined effort to exercise. So I think there is something other than calories in/out going on.

KayliDzhener · 29/10/2023 13:41

It's interesting isn't it. I've just boxed up my winter clothes as I don't have room to have Summer clothes in the wardrobe at the same time and things I bought in good faith to wear l ast Summer and didn't fit do fit now.

CrystalVision · 29/10/2023 13:50

I was also having a clear out and clothes from 10 years ago that I can't part with ( nice memories) now fit. Tighter but look OK. My body shape is changing from middle aged back to curvy even though I am not seeing dramatic weight loss. I would be happy with that alone. It was the middle aged woman in the mirror I didn't like...and in a swimming costume it was my grandmother looking back at me.

CrystalVision · 29/10/2023 13:54

My grandmother is still staring back at me. But she has a bit less cellulite 😀

KayliDzhener · 29/10/2023 14:03

Lol. That's cool you are feeling more positive. I feel more inclined to look after myself recently. I had a mani pedi on Wednesday and have fake tanned and whitened my teeth today. Will be super conditioning my hair later.

KayliDzhener · 31/10/2023 07:40

Oh dear another bout of vomiting this morning. I cleaned my teeth before taking the tablet and guess I must have swallowed some pasty water. Won't do that again.n

ElsaMars · 31/10/2023 10:17

Hello everyone,

So glad I found you all.

My 3mg dose is arriving today from HE but now I'm terrified! I'm also not telling anyone which somehow makes it worse but at 5 ft 2 and about 14 stone (no scales) I have to try.

Buying scales today so I'll know how it's going. I wfh so even if I feel ill, hoping I can still manage. Really worried about the side effects but I look so terrible lately it has to be worth a try right?

MaryCruz · 31/10/2023 10:48

I'm on day 12 of 14mg
I went out at the weekend and have been feeling queasy since - is this an affect of the drugs? I dont know,
Couldnt eat much yesterday, so my fingers are very very crossed!

Today, still feel a bit not right (hoping again its the full feeling)

Started at 14st 7lbs and 5ft 7.5inches
Am now 13st 12.4lbs and still 5ft 7.5inches

so the weight is going, but still waiting for the woooosh!