Weight loss chat

Rybelsus for Weight Loss


MaryCruz · 20/08/2023 08:39

Today marks the first day of my journey with Rybelsus, I acquired from Online Pharmacy. Not referring, just information. My current weight stands at 14 stone 5 pounds, and my height is 5 feet 8 inches. I took my first tablet right when I woke up. I'm excited about this new chapter and would love for anyone interested to follow along. I plan to provide updates on my weight loss progress on a weekly basis, optimistically hoping for positive results. Joining this journey could be a great opportunity for us to share tips, experiences, and encouragement. I understand the importance of consistency and patience in this process, and I'm prepared for the ups and downs. It’s a step towards a healthier lifestyle, and I’m curious to see how Rybelsus will work for me. Let’s embark on this path together, sharing insights and supporting each other along the way.

LanaRay · 07/01/2024 07:08

Morning, so Numan have just taken $179 from my account so hopefully the meds will be dispatched this week. No idea if 7mg, doesn’t say anywhere and no email (just saw the moneys come out my bank today).

@RubyRed always have a bit of a dry mouth especially if I don’t drink enough water throughout the day. No tummy problems though, are you any better? Could it have been a bug?

RubyRed · 07/01/2024 07:26

@LanaRay fingers crossed your tablets arrive quickly.

My stomach is slightly better but still not great. I skipped yesterday and todays tablets to see whether it makes a difference. I already drink at least 2 litres of water a day but I am making an effort to driven even more. It’s really odd!

KayliDzhener · 07/01/2024 08:02

I think that will be 3mg, my 7 mg was $249 last month. Could be wrong tho

IronHeart · 07/01/2024 09:05

$249 just been taken by Numan which is what I expected from their email, so I think that will be 7mg turning up.

I'm so, so sad that it looks like this will be my last month. All I'm seeing on semaglutide threads here and on other platforms is how quickly the weight comes back on, how much stronger the food noise and compulsion is.

I've done pretty much every diet under the sun and nothing has worked like this.

My mum dad and brother have all been diagnosed T2 in the last 3 years, and my brother has had gastric surgery on the NHS about 15 years ago, which he has now completely reversed and is back up to being morbidly obese.

There's no one in my life who understands why I feel this way, I think some of you might?

LanaRay · 07/01/2024 10:54

@KayliDzhener @IronHeart I really hope it isn’t 3mg! They’ve not emailed to say that’s what I’ll get and I looked and there’s been a discount applied so it would have been $219. I may call them!

@IronHeart which threads are you seeing this on? I’m intrigued to start reading as obviously will also have to stop if can no longer order (and if 3mg does come it won’t do anything for me!). I’m so sorry you are worried, I’ve also struggled with every diet I’m not sure if it’s the peri menopause that has just made weight loss a struggle, it never used to be like that. Can you move on to any of the other tablets mentioned in the thread? To see if they help?

CrystalVision · 07/01/2024 11:25

I came off for a few weeks because I needed a break. I wouldn't do it again its better to hang in there but that's another thread.
I felt really bad when I came off. I tapered off alternating days before stopping. Given the half life that might not be necessary. The worst thing is blood sugar no longer being controlled so bloating and blood sugar rollercoaster. Maybe try to keep carbs low as you adjust. I didn't see a massive weight gain on scales but I felt fat and bloated and have digestive issues.

KayliDzhener · 07/01/2024 12:56

I've not taken any for a week and I have massive bloating and wind and a really painful tummy. No wait gain thankfully but feel pretty rough. I will start back again tomorrow I think

Madonna · 07/01/2024 13:50

I developed pain in the bottom left quadrant of my stomach while using the 14mg, so came off it for a while. The pain cleared up. I will try it again and see if it returns.

CrystalVision · 07/01/2024 14:04

@KayliDzhener that's exactly what happened to me. It then took the same amount of time taking them again to feel better. So two weeks off / two weeks on to get back to the same point.

Monika · 07/01/2024 16:06

@LanaRay It's worth emailing or calling Numan for sure, they are pretty responsive from my experience. Here's hoping they will come through for next month too 🤞

I'm still checking all the sites for more Rybelsus if and when it comes available. I am also feeling some despair for when I am forced off it, and I think I'm really going to have to keep counting calories consistently until Wegovy becomes available or more Rybelsus.

I'm considering maybe trying to maintain once I come off versus my current calorie intake, as it does sound like it'll be a bit of an uphill battle without the drug otherwise. Ideally I'd love to just keep taking a low dose forever just to keep the cravings regular.

@RubyRed huge well done for crossing the 2 stone mark! I hope you are feeling a bit better soon with your tummy.

In other news, recently my partner has also been trying to cut down on calories (without meds), which makes everything a lot easier not having a bunch of junk in the house and lots of protein snacks 🥰

LanaRay · 07/01/2024 16:56

Well I’ve now had an email saying that it’s been disputed but again no idea what @Monika so fingers crossed it’s 7mg and if so then it’s been easy to get and the price isn’t bad either?! That’s great your partner is being healthy, mine isn’t and still doesn’t know I’m taking these tablets either!! I agree though it’s going yo have to be strict calorie control once stopped with the tablets!

LanaRay · 07/01/2024 17:03

Just had confirmation that Numan have dispatched 7mg 🎉

KayliDzhener · 07/01/2024 17:59

CrystalVision · 07/01/2024 14:04

@KayliDzhener that's exactly what happened to me. It then took the same amount of time taking them again to feel better. So two weeks off / two weeks on to get back to the same point.

Urgh, it's such a pain. Just taken some dulcolax to try and shift the wind through as currently it's popping out both ends! Good job I work from home and OH was on jury duty all day. It seems to be going down I was so fed up with feeling full all the time I wanted to feel normal for a bit. Won't do that again in a hurry.

KayliDzhener · 07/01/2024 18:01

Awesome @LanaRay that's a very cheap price, well done

Monika · 07/01/2024 18:11

Woohoo @LanaRay glad you are getting the correct dosage! :D

Just got an email from Bury Healthcare saying they finally dispatched a 3mg box that I ordered on the 21st June. Seems like it'll be coming through, but to be warned, they take absolutely AGES! Had to wait on a short phone consultation that could easily have been done over email 😆 but good in that I have another month's worth of supply (3mg is still tiding me over for now!)

IronHeart · 07/01/2024 19:47

@LanaRay that's good news, pleased you're sorted out for this month.
Also, I can't remember if it's on here or the semaglutide threads on Reddit, which I know tend to be a bit pearl-clutchy, that I've been reading about the return of the hunger monster, but it is a real worry.
Of course I'm going to try and continue once I've run out, my lovely husband keeps saying that "you've done so well, I'm sure you can do it by yourself anyway" but:
a. He's very skinny naturally so has never had the food obsession/ noise that I have had all my adult life.
And b. None of the other many, and sometimes extreme, diets have worked in the last 30 years.

I feel like the glp-1 drugs attack the cause of the hunger which I'm convinced is a hormone imbalance rather than a diet that just (unsuccessfully for me) attacks the symptoms ( being fat, eating too much) and that's why it's worked so well.

A couple of the Oz threads on here are talking about wegovy being released in 6-8 weeks, but that doesn't fit with the production not being up to demand until mid 2024, which has been mentioned on here, and backed up with kind PP's providing the articles etc to back this up. I think it's wishful thinking. Also, a lot of the Oz lasses are starting to ask about Rybelsus, so it will get even harder for us to source meds as more people try to get them. It's crap.

Monika · 07/01/2024 21:02

@IronHeart I agree with the hormone stuff, that's what it feels like to me too. I just hope tracking the calories temporarily (or, until mid next year+ 😭) will at least minimize the weight gain

Monika · 07/01/2024 21:04

Also agreed it seems like wishful thinking. Still it would be in Novo Nordisk's best interest to really crank up production 😆 I imagine there will be other companies that latch onto it too and start production due to demand

IronHeart · 07/01/2024 21:13

I might have this wrong but it's my understanding that NN licensed another company to produce ozempic I think, and there were quality control issues that meant that production had to shut down. I know there will be a lot of other companies rushing to develop similar drugs to fill the gap in the market but R&D, building factories, employing and training staff takes time.

I can't imagine NN will allow their patents to be used again under license without a lot more checks beforehand. I can't remember the name of the PP that explained this all to me but it was early in the thread.

RubyRed · 08/01/2024 19:41

I share the anxiety of putting all the weight back on as soon as my supplies run out. I’ve felt in control of my relationship with food for the first time ever and I don’t want to go back to how things were, it’s a horrible feeling.

One of the companies I’ve purchased from before emailed to say they expect the supply situation to improve in 6-8 weeks but I have no idea what that is based on as I’ve not heard it from anywhere else.

I skipped 2 consecutive days of tablets as my stomach was so bad, I’m not sure it’s the Rybelsus causing it but it felt like a waste taking them as they were going straight through me. I didn’t feel any different, but that might not be the case if I skip them regularly. I’m going to try it though, just to make the boxes I have last longer.

KayliDzhener · 08/01/2024 21:11

I've just had a week off them as I was so fed up of feeling full. I lost 5lb so I'm not worried about gaining. I know my body can survive on 800 cals now so I'm confident I can ignore the tummy rumbling. I've got 5lb to go to my pre lockdown weight. Ideally I still want to lose 4 stone or there abouts.

Monika · 08/01/2024 22:37

@RubyRed which company said supplies will be back in 6-8 weeks? That would certainly be a relief although it does seem like a very fast turnaround for production.

RubyRed · 08/01/2024 22:39

@Monika it was Daily Chemist and they sent me a discount code for my next order as they had to cancel. I will believe it when I see it though!

Monika · 08/01/2024 22:46

Just had a look on their website and, my god are the prices getting ludicrous! Fingers crossed supply does get somewhat back to normal soon.