Is there anything to sexual astrology? Can where and when you were born determine who is the best sex partner for you? I spent years editing and working with an astrologist at another website. Often times, as happenstance when a client would casually mention their sun sign, I’d remember back to the calculations the astrologist did and most of them were dead on. A little spooky? A little hokey? Perhaps.
I’m not saying that you should make all of your sex and relationship decisions based on astrology but I must say had I personally followed my astrological compatibility early on, it would have saved me a lot of heartache. Maybe all the way back to middle school. I digress; I have to admit that my husband is noted as highly compatible with me sexually and otherwise. Here are the matches I learned about when it comes to long-term sexual satisfaction. Just for fun, see if you and your partner are linked up. Then think about exes. Hmm… You can find much more by Googling “Sexual Astrology Compatibility” online. Check it out.