It happens and we all dread it. Being cheated on. For some of us it ruins our faith in all new potential partners and for others it strengthens our resolve to find the right partner.
Getting your heartbroken for the first time is one thing, yes it can take all of the romance out of looking for love but being cheated on multiple times is sheer hell. Often times, we are left holding the bag, wondering, “what did I do wrong?” Well, I hate to say it but if being cheated on has become a pattern in your life, looking at yourself and how you might have contributed might truly help. I know everyone is a “victim” when this happens but seriously there are a few things you might be doing that contribute to being shit on over and over again. And if you could change this for yourself wouldn’t you? Yes, some people become comfortable with being the victim. It avoids them having to take responsibility in the matter. But sooner or later, it’s like a light switch going off. You need to build some awareness about who you are choosing and why you are ending up in this mess constantly. Here are some suggestions.
You may have a broken “picker”, as the technical term my therapist friends and I use. Are you falling for whomever shows interest in you? Are you afraid to be alone so that the default is good enough? These are a few hard questions you might want to ask yourself. You may be setting yourself up for failure from the beginning because you simply aren’t discerning enough.